Chapter one

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Noyas pov

"Nishinoya Yuu! How many times have I told you not to sneak out without your guard?" My mom was scolding me as my guard stood by my side. I feel so embarrassed like this right now

"Sorry mom" I mumble.

"A sorry won't cut it!" Mom raised her voice "guard, you are to go everywhere with Yuu. Even in his room. We can't have him sneaking out anymore. I can't risk the heir getting hurt."

"What! Can't I have a little personal space?" I shout out in anger. It's not fair that I can't have any freedom, it's been like this for as long as I can remember. Because I'm the oldest I'm more valuable to my parents because I am to succeed the throne.

"Don't you yell at me." Moms words went harsh. I nodded nervously and she sent me off with my guard.

My guard is somewhat new. He's been working under me for two weeks now, yet I haven't learned his name. He tends to get quite nervous when talking to me, as if he were to say one wrong thing he thought I might as well cut off his tongue.

"Well, guard," I started and turned to him. He turned to face me as we made it to my room "because we're gonna be stuck together it'd be nice to at least know your name. You're my new friend after all. "

My guard looked at me slightly confused "you want to be MY friend? A lowlife peasant who just so happens to be good with a sword?" He asked me.

I nodded and held out my hand for him to shake "I'm Nishinoya, just call me Noya, what's your name?"

He still looked confused "I-I can't shake your hand, that's usually done between people of same power let alone call you by a nickname!" He stumbled over his words sounding panicked.

"Guard, it's ok. Calm down. I just want to be friends. It's not going to kill you." I stuck man hand out further "call me Noya, what's your name?"

He nodded and shakily shook my hand "it's- it's Asahi."

I smile at him "Asahi, what a nice name" I tell him as I shut my room door behind me. "I tend to like to have personal space in my room. Just to relax and do private things so I don't really know what to do with you here." I pondered off trying to think of things I could do that isn't embarrassing or completely ignore Asahi.

"Ill just sit here. You can do whatever" Asahi told me with a small smile. He was looking down at his hands, they were larger than mine by a lot, though, that makes sense, after all he's practically a giant compared to me.

I get out some paper and started to draw on it. It's a little known fact but I love to draw even if I'm not the best at it. I look over my shoulder to see Asahi sitting on the floor, reading. Having his back against the wall will make it hurt and stuff after a while so I offered "hey, Asahi? If you want you can sit on my bed and read. It's bad for your back to sit like that." I tell him.

Asahi looks at me cautiously. "Are you saying I can sit on your bed?" He asked

"Well duh!" I laugh. It's funny how nervous he is. I can't seem to see how he could possibly fight. I can't really believe that he of all people would be the best knight in the castle but he seems like he's be fun to mess with a bit.

Asahi nervously looks at me. His legs shook a bit as he stood up to get on my bed. It looked like he would lose his balance so I stopped drawing and went over. "Here Asahi" I held his waist to help him up "you don't have to if you don't feel comfortable. It was just an offer"

He let out a sigh and I felt his body relax. He slumped back down in the corner of the wall. "I'm sorry prin- Noya. It just doesn't feel right. It's wrong to treat you as an equal, no formalities, no boundaries. You're the prince. I'm just your knight." He mutters the last part.

My gentle guard •Asanoya•Where stories live. Discover now