Chapter Five

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Asahis pov

Our day alone ended all too fast. Noya is now just getting in his bed to sleep. Sometimes I wish he didn't go to bed so early, I just want to spend more time together. "Asahi~" Noya reached out to me in his bed.

"Hmm?" I acknowledge

"Come sleep with me" I blush at his request.

"Ok," I agree. I nervously changed from my clothes into a pair of pajamas I leave in this room. I lay down nervously next to him. "Goodnight" I mumble.

"Mmm-night" Noya whispered and scooted closer, body pressed against mine. I wrap my arms around him and we go to sleep like that.

It was the next day, I woke up first. I always wake up too early and I know how much Noya likes to sleep in. I sigh, slightly annoyed at myself for always waking up so early. My feelings change the moment I look at Noya clinging onto me, sleeping with an adorable smile plastered on his face. Who could be upset when they are seeing something like this?! I run one of my hands through Noyas soft brown hair and kiss his forehead. He's a truly beautiful sight to see. I stroke his cheek with a loving gaze.

-time skip brought to you by me being lazy af-

Noyas eyes finally fluttered open. He looked confused for a second but then smiled. "Asahi" he grumbled and hid his face in my chest. "So warm" I chuckle lightly.

"Adorable" I let slip. Noya looked up at me and kissed me on the cheek. I pat his head as he decided he wanted to get up now. I agree and we get out of bed. "I'll go shower in the ones down by the headquarters. I'll be back in a few minutes." And with that, I left.

After taking my shower I had to get ready. I put on my clothes and headed back up to Noyas room. I slowly enter the room and look around. Noya was sitting at his desk, writing in his journal. I sit down on his bed to give him space "hey, I'm back" I announce softly as to not startle him. He still flinched but composed himself fast.

Noya turned to me with his usual bright and happy face "yay!!!" He shut his journal and jumped off of his chair. He ran over and practically tackled me on the bed.

"Careful!" I laugh "you'll hurt yourself."

Noya scoffed "oh please," he rolled his eyes and exaggerated the next part "I'll be fiiinnneee."

"You could have stubbed your toe on the bed frame" I point out to the frame just a millimeter away from his foot.

"A stubbed toe can never stop me!" He triumphantly struck a pose. He's such an idiot sometimes but I love that about him. He's my idiot. "Hey!!! How about we go talk to my parents about us and how we'd like to postpone the wedding. They'd understand if it's too fast for you."

My eyes widen. Heart beating fast, I turn my attention away from my boyfriends face. What do I do? Noya said they would be ok with us but... this is scary. "I-uh-I y-yeah. Ok" I stutter out, my nervousness showing quite vividly.

"It'll be ok..." Noya patted my back and hugged me. I wrap one arm around Noya and the other stroking his soft hair. "We'll be fine. I won't let anything happen to you, though, no need to worry anyway. Remember, my mom and dad accepted me. They'd be happy for us." I nod

"Ok" I agree. He happily pulled away from the hug and grabbed my hand, pulling me along, running to the king and queens room.

We stood by the door. Noya burst in and I hid behind the wall. "MOM DAD!!!!' GUESS WHAT!!!" He was way too excited. I cower more behind the wall, now I'm even more nervous.

"What is it?" I heated the king ask.

"Asa-" Noya paused halfway and looked to the doorway to see me not there. "One sec" he told his parents and Noya walked out towards me. "Asahi, get your butt in here." He grabbed me by my wrist and pulled me in.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2022 ⏰

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