Completely Different

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Lila strutted into her classroom, feeling as if she were on top of the world. Her classmates were chatting excitedly, completely ignoring her entrance. What? Why were they not paying attention to her? What could be more exciting than her?

"Can you believe it?"
"Oh, it's amazing!"
"What do you think they're like?"
"I bet they're so hot!"
"Uh, of course, they are!"

"Um, excuse me?" Lila asked meekly. "What's going on?"

The class looked at her, a little confused.

"Uh, the new boys are coming today? Felix and Adrien Graham de Vanily?" Alya said, a little confused
"Their moms own the Graham de Vanily film company!" Rose replied.
"It was on the class group chat! Didn't you see it?" Alix questioned.

Wait, Adrien? Oh, Graham de Vanily must be his mother's maiden name. But Felix? Adrien didn't have a brother! But he did say once he had an aunt, maybe Felix was his cousin?

Her first day at Francois DuPont would have been today, so it was now Adrien's first day! But, wait, what about Hawkmoth? And the akumas?

"Oh, sorry it must have slipped my mind, I was busy all day yesterday," Lila apologized.

"That's ok Lila," Mylene reassured
"Yeah, we know how busy you are!" Marinette continued

Perfect, they were already wrapped around her finger, and Marinette believes her too. That's most of her work done.

Just then, Miss Bustier walked in, followed by two boys. "Alright class, settle down. Now, I'd like to welcome Adrien and Felix Graham de Vanily, who just transferred from London!"

The class called out greetings, while Lila stared at the blonde boys, looking at the two carefully. Strangely, they looked so alike for cousins.

One wore a white shirt, with a long black coat and blue jeans. His face was blank and he looked bored and tired. Probably, Felix, her Adrien would never look like that.

She turned to the other blond, her Adrien, but jumped back in shock at his appearance. There was no way that was her Adrien!

He looked completely different! He wore a green T-shirt with a white hoodie, ripped jeans, black boots, customized with a black beanie, black scarf, and black cross earrings. How could that be her perfect soon to be boyfriend?!

"Adrien, Felix, why don't you tell the class a bit about yourselves?"

"Okay. My name is Adrien, Félix and I have just moved here from London. We both enjoy fencing and watching hero movies."

"Our moms are the co-owners of the Graham de Vanily film company, where Adrien's mother is an actress and producer, and my mother is a costume designer and director."

"Oh, my Daddy directed a movie with them, your mom was the lead!" Chloe called out. "I think it was called Solitude!"

"Oh no way, that's so cool" Adrien replied happily.

As the class began to call out questions to the two, Lila sat shocked in her seat.

Was the universe crazy? That boy was not her Adrien! Her Adrien was sweet and kind, who dressed nicely and always did as he was told, not this ruffian! This Adrien smiled like the Cheshire Cat, dressed like he was poor, and judging by his attitude towards her stupid classmates, he wouldn't do anything she said!

What the hell was wrong with her wish?! This was not what she wanted at all!?

Okay Lila, calm down. You can probably get Adrien under control once he starts modelling with you,' Lila thought. 'All you have to do is convince your new father to hire Adrien. Probably easy, considering his mother's a famous actress.'

"Hi, I'm Lila Agreste. It's so nice to meet you both," she simpered to the boys.

"Nice to meet you too!"

"Alright Adrien, Felix, first class on Monday is a study period, so I've asked Marinette, our class representative, to show you around school," Miss Bustier explained to the pair. "You'll have most of your classes with everyone here, and you'll have me for English and History classes."

Fuck, no no no! That Marinette bitch is stealing  Adrien away from her already! She has to stop her!

"Um, Miss Bustier? Could I go with Marinette and show Adrien and Felix around? I'd love to get to know them better," she asked innocently. She knew she could get that teacher to do anything she wanted, she had a spine of jelly.

"Lila, you're supposed to be studying with Max and Sabrina," Miss Bustier explained. "Your father requested them to tutor you to keep your grades up.

What? Why would her father do that! Her grades were perfect back in her other reality! All she had to do was make up a little sob story about being too busy with her charity work or something else and she'd get extra credit to make up for it!

"I'm sure I can miss one study class! It's not a big deal."

"You really can't. Your average grade last year was a C-. You simply cannot afford to miss a single session," Max interjected.

"Plus your dad will be really mad at us!" Sabrina interjected.


"Lila, it's alright, you can get to know Adrien and Felix at lunchtime and after school, this is Marinette's duty as class representative."

Forcing a smile and gritting her teeth, Lila nodded and sat back down. Whatever, she'd have ample opportunities at lunch. All she had to do was wait.


"And here is the library! Alright, we have physics with Miss Mendeleiev in the science room, and if you have any questions, just come to me," Marinette smiled, proud to have been so helpful to Adrien and Felix.

"Thank you Marinette," Adrien responded, smiling widely. This girl was so sweet and kind, and so pretty.

"Hey, Marinette? Can I ask you something?" Felix asked.

"Of course!"
"What was up with that Lila girl?"
"Yeah she was looking at us weird, and then she acted super sweet. What's up with that?"

"Oh, Lila is Gabriel Agreste's daughter. After his wife disappeared, he became super protective of her. She's hardly allowed to leave her home unless it's for school, her activities or modelling. She doesn't get much time with her friends, so she was probably just trying to be friends with you."

"Ah, poor girl."
"That must be hard."

"Yeah, but the class and I try to help her every way we can, study with her so she doesn't fall behind, check that she's eating enough, getting enough sleep," Marinette continued. "Just looking out for our classmate."

"That's nice, Marinette."
"Yeah, it is. See you in Physics?"
"Yeah see you there!" she replied, leaving and turning in the direction of the classroom

Felix glanced at his cousin, noticing the soft blush on his face.

"Damn Adrien, the first day of school and you're already crushing on someone," he teased, smirking at him.

"What- no! Felix! I just met her! She's just a kind and sweet girl," Adrien replied indignantly.

"Alright, alright!"
"I'm serious."
"Whatever you say, Lover Boy."

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