Rage and Despair

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The bell rang out through the school, signalling the start of lunch. Students hurried out of classrooms, in the direction of the cafeteria or home for the hour.

Lila practically sprinted out of the class, stamping down the stairs, seething with rage. She had tried so hard to get closer to Adrien, every time failing miserably.

She'd wailed about an aching wrist in physics, asked if Adrien could take notes, complained about her ears ringing in history, implored if she would switch with Nino and sit next to Adrien. Both Miss Mendeleiev and Miss Bustier told her she needed a doctor's note as proof!

Miss Mendeleiev she understood, the witch had a heart of stone, But Miss Bustier?! That weak-willed teacher would bend to her every whim before! What the hell happened?!

Whatever, this was the best opportunity yet! She'd sidle up to Adrien for the whole hour, convince him to model with her and ask him out on a date! It'll be perfect!

Opening the door to the cafeteria, she cursed under her breath as she spotted her idiot classmates crowding around Adrien and Felix, every seat and standing spot taken. Of course, they had to ruin it.

Grabbing a lunch tray, she sat at a table as close to them as possible. She wasn't sitting next to Adrien, but she could still listen to the conversation.

She watched the group intensely, spotting her Adrien in the centre, sitting next to Marinette and that artsy boy, Nathaniel, who was showing him something in that sketchbook of his. She hardly cared about him, even though they sat next to each other, he never really listened to her, always sketching something or texting his boyfriend when she spoke.

"Wow Nathaniel, this is amazing! I love superheroes, yours look great!"
"Yeah, everyone in the art club thinks he should make them into comics," Marinette replied.

Ugh, she forgot his stupid Ladybug comics, honestly what was so cool about her? A comic book about her as Chat Noir? Now that would fly off the shelves!

"Yeah, I'd love to do that, but I can't write to save my life, and I don't know anyone who does write either."

Oh! Here's a good chance to show off to Adrien!

"Oh, I know a ton of amazing writers who would love to help you, Nathaniel! I could call them if you'd like," she simpered sweetly.

This was perfect! Once he accepted, Adrien would see how well connected, famous and influential she was, he couldn't turn her down!

"That's ok Lila, I don't need that."

What? Why did he turn her offer down?! She'd just offered to make him famous! It wasn't true, but still!

"But don't you want to be a famous artist? It wouldn't be a bother for me at all!"

"I don't want to be famous, I just want to do it for fun. It was kind of you to offer, but I'd prefer someone around our age. There's got to be someone in the school who writes," he explained.

"Anyways, enough about me. We wanna hear about you and Felix," Nathaniel grinned, turning to them.

"Yeah, how long have you been here?"
"What's it like having movie producers as parents?"
"Have you been in one of the movies?"
"Have you met anybody famous?"

"Woah, slow down, you guys," Adrien smiled and laughed.

"Yeah, one at a time please," Felix drawled, smirking.

"Heh, sorry. So, what's it like to have famous parents?" Alya questioned.

Ugh, she could have asked her that! She had a famous fashion designer for her father!

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