New World

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"Lila? Lila, you need to wake up and get ready for school."

Lila groaned, not wanting to wake up. She opened her eyes, wincing at the bright sunlight. Weird, her room had a small window, and the blinds would usually be shut. There wouldn't normally be this much light.

Her sheets felt different too. They didn't feel like cheap polyester, now softer, and smoother, almost like silk?

"Lila, wake up, you're going to be late."

That wasn't her mother! Who was that? Why were they here? Did they sound like ... Mr Agreste's assistant?

Hang on. She remembered now.

She defeated Ladybug and Chat Noir and took their miraculous. She used them to wish for anything she could dream of. And she'd wished to have Adrien's life.

So she was in Adrien's, no, her room!

She flung off the silky covers, running up to the huge windows to get a better look at her new room.

It was almost exactly like Adrien's; a sleek, cool computer at the desk, bookshelves covering most of the area upstairs, a long, leather couch with cushions scattered about, a walk-in wardrobe, a huge flatscreen TV facing the windows, and a grand piano in the centre.

While it was like Adrien's room, it had aspects of her room too. The bed sheets were the same black and silver zebra stripes with pink pillows. Her dresser and mirror were by the window, only a longer and more glamorous looking version. The walls were now a dusty pink. And instead of a fencing crest hanging above the bed hung her prized collection of Venetian masks.

Lila almost squealed in glee. This was perfect! It was expensive, glamorous, and oh so beautiful. Oh, she was in heaven!

"Lila? Are you awake?" The assistant- Nathalie called again. Right, school.

"Uh, yes miss- er, Nathalie! I'll be ready soon!"

She stepped inside the walk-in wardrobe, marvelling at all her new luxurious clothes before picking out her outfit. She selected a white leather jacket with a black t-shirt, denim shorts, grey tights, and black high heeled boots.

She walked over to her dresser, opening one of the jewellery boxes. She selected sparkling diamond earrings and a matching necklace. The perfect finishing touch to her outfit.

Spotting a school bag on the desk chair, she grabbed it and strutted out of her room.

As she descended the marble staircase, she stopped and stared at a portrait of her, Gabriel Agreste, and her mother? Oh, that must be how she was in Adrien's place! Her mother married Gabriel, not Adrien's mom!

Hold on a second. Adrien said his mother had been missing for about a year. So if she was in Adrien's place and her mother was in Adrien's mom's place ...

Does that mean her mom is missing?

Lila stood at the bottom step, her face blank, taking in her realization. Her mom was missing, maybe even presumed dead?

As much as Lila resented her for not being able to give her the life she deserved, she couldn't begin to imagine life without her. All the sweet messages she left in the morning, the pet names, everything they did together, they could no longer do.

Maybe the wish wasn't as perfect as she thought it was .....

No! No no no! The wish was perfect! It was! She's famous, there's probably thousands of advertisements and posters of her all over the city, girls wished they were her, boys dreamed of dating her. She doesn't need her mother to do that! She doesn't!

Pushing the thought away, she made her way down the rest of the steps, when Nathalie was waiting for her.

"Are you alright Lila? You were staring at your mother's portrait again," she said, slight concern on her face.

"Oh yeah, I was just thinking about her. But I'm going to stay strong, it's what she'd have wanted."

Nathalie nodded, believing her. She led Lila into the dining room, a place set for her at the end of the table.

Sitting down on the soft white leather, she looked around, trying to spot Gabriel at one of the many chairs.

"Um, Nathalie? Where's Ga- I mean my father?"

"He's busy at the moment, but he will join you for dinner, after your photoshoot and piano practice this afternoon," she replied. "Now come along, we will be leaving for school in ten minutes."

Lila mentally slapped herself. How could she forget she now had Adrien's super packed schedule? No matter, she could easily get out of it, at least until Adrien was modelling too. Finishing her breakfast, she grabbed her bag and walked out to the car.


Watching the streets and buildings go by on the way to school, Lila almost squealed in glee at the sight of posters of her on every street! For some, she was posed with angel's wings flying over the Eiffel Tower, others she was sitting on a roof, gazing at the starlit skyline. She looked beautiful!

Composing herself a little, she began planning the school day. She'd spin a few tales of grandeur, whine about her now busy schedule and restart her plot to ruin Marinette.

Wait a minute! Marinette wouldn't even be a problem here! She was a famous model now, and everything she said was going to be true! Maybe not everything, but she was the face of Gabriel, who's to say if she had or hadn't met celebrities, or done amazing charitable deeds. Even that stupid Marinette would believe her!

The car came to a stop at the entrance to the school. Stepping out of the car, Lila gazed at the students entering the school, chatting amongst themselves. Here, she would build her new kingdom.

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