New and Improved

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"All students and staff are to evacuate the school immediately! I repeat, all students and staff are to evacuate the school immediately!"

Damocles' startled voice rang through the intercom, students and teachers rushing out of classrooms panicked.

Lila rushed out of the locker room, confused as to what was happening, but then she saw it.

What she'd been waiting for all day.

An Akuma was attacking. The first one ever, guessing from the way everyone was acting.

She smirked, glancing at the figure attacking everyone in the Centre of the courtyard.

They had pale skin, pitch-black eyes with long black tear marks streaking down their face, a long black hooded cloak, and a simple black long-sleeved shirt and trousers. They also looked quite a lot like Felix. Heh, what a coincidence. The first Akuma she caused was going to be the first one she'd stop.

His shadows seemed to be extending outwards, and when they touched somebody, the shadows consumed them, making them into pale, shadowy figures like him.

Yes!! This was perfect!!! This was her moment!!

Grinning madly, she sprinted to her locker, looking for any signs of the black ring. She rummaged around, throwing her books out frantically. Where was it? Where the hell was it?

Oh, wait! Nobody would leave something as important as this at a school! The lockers didn't even have any locks! Anyone could just open it and take her miraculous! It must be at home!

Running out again, she was glad to see that the Akuma had left, and even more glad to see the limo pulled up outside the school, a frantic Nathalie throwing open the doors.

"Lila!! Get in!! Come on quickly!" she called.

Putting up a face of anxiety and fear, she sprinted towards the limo and jumped in. Nathalie sighed in relief as the limo sped off to the mansion.

"Are you alright Lila?"
"Oh yeah, just a little shaken up. What was that?" she whimpered, putting on an act of innocence and confusion. She knew exactly what was going on.

"I'm afraid I don't know. Your father demanded I return you home immediately in fear you would be hurt," Nathalie replied.

"Oh, please can I see him? I'm still a little shaken," she whined.

"Possibly Lila, I can't guarantee anything. Now get inside quickly, we're home," she replied as the iron-wrought gates slowly opened.

As soon as the car pulled to a halt, Nathalie grabbed Lila's hand and pulled her into the house. She darted up the marble staircase, into Lila's room.

"You'll be safe here. Your bodyguard will stay outside the door. Would you like me to stay with you?"

"Oh, no no, I'll be fine," she simpered, smiling at her.

She smirked as soon as her back was turned, immediately darting over to her desk as soon as the door shut.

She flung open every drawer, threw everything off the shelves in a desperate attempt to find her miraculous.

She scoured her room to find it, going through her dresser, tossing books off the shelves, hunting under her bed.

Where was it?! She needed to defeat Marinette again!

She turned over the coffee table in front of the tv, sending the remote onto the floor and accidentally turning it on. She stopped, startled, as she heard people cheering and clapping, while Nadja Chamack spoke over the cheers.

"Paris has been saved from the mysterious shadow villain attacking the city, by two incredible new superheroes: Coccinelle and Cheshire Cat!"

The clip cut to a photo of two boys in Ladybug and Cat themed outfits doing a fist pound in the stadium, a dazed Felix in the background.

The Ladybug hero had short, fluffy black hair, green eyes surrounded by a red and black spotted mask, a matching jacket, a black top and trousers, long red and black fingerless opera gloves, with bright red boots and a yo-yo belt.

The cat hero had red hair, kept out of his eyes by two green hair grips, a black mask hiding turquoise eyes, a black hoodie with cat ears on the hood and a green paw print in the centre, a black belt tail, black leather trousers and black combat boots with green laces.

Lila set the table back down, sinking onto the couch, a look of shock on her face. Who were they?! Who were that new Ladybug and Chat Noir boy!? Why did he have her miraculous and not her?! How was she supposed to defeat Ladybug again when she didn't even know who they were now?!?

What was wrong with the universe?!?! She was supposed to be famous, her classmates were supposed to hang off her every word, Adrien was supposed to fall in love with her and be hers forever, and she was supposed to be a superhero!! She should've cataclysmed that stupid bug already and struck up a new deal with Hawkmoth!!

'Okay, calm down Lila, calm down,' she contemplated. 'You still have Gabriel as your father, and you already have him wrapped around your little finger. And you can still get Adrien to model with you! You just need to persuade your father....'


Adrien and Felix walked up the path to their new home, Adrien's arm slung around Felix's shoulder to comfort him as the sunset behind them.

Felix hadn't said a word since he had been turned back, not looking at anyone. Coccinelle had called it an 'Akumatization', and that it wasn't his fault, but Adrien knew Felix felt guilty.

Fishing his keys out of his pocket, he unlocked the front door, his aunt and mother rushing up to them and pulling them into a hug.

"Oh, we were so worried about you two!"
"We saw you on the news, what happened? Are you okay?"

Adrien relaxed, returning his mom's hug.

Amelie ran her hand through Felix's hair kissing his forehead. Felix stood still, an expression of shock on his face before tears spilt from his eyes

"I-I didn't know what happened, I swear! I was j-just a little upset cause of this girl in my class, and t-then there was this voice in my head, a-and everything went dark-"

"Oh Felix, sweetie, nobody's blaming you. It wasn't your fault," Amelie reassured her son.

"I-I was a monster!"
"No, you weren't. Coccinelle said it wasn't your fault, it was this villain, Mothman!"
"Hawkmoth," Felix corrected.
"Whatever it was! He used your negative emotions to make you like that, it's his fault, not yours!"

Felix looked down, still ashamed of himself.

"Hey, how about we order some pizza, get our pyjamas on and watch a movie," Emilie suggested. "Your choice Felix."

Felix smiled, wiping away his tears.

"Yeah, I'd like that."

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