Be Careful

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Lila sat excitedly in the dining room seat, eagerly awaiting Adrien's arrival.

"Now Lila, I will be doing most of the talking here. You will only speak when spoken to. Am I clear?" Gabriel asked sharply, sitting next to her.

"Oh, yes of course Father!" she simpered, nodding profusely.

Just then, they heard a knock at the door.

"Sir? The Graham de Vanilys have arrived."
"Thank you, Nathalie. Send them in, please," Gabriel requested.

Yes! Yes yes yes! This was the moment she'd been waiting for!

Adrien, Felix and their moms walked in, taking the seats opposite Lila and Gabriel.

Emilie and Amelie both looked neutral, smiling politely. Felix looked exhausted, with dark circles under his eyes. And Adrien just looked bored.

She tried to smile at Adrien, acting as if she was happy to see him, but he just rolled his eyes at her before inspecting his nails. He didn't want to be anywhere near this two-faced bitch.

She was taken aback for a minute, before remembering after this meeting, she'd fix him. He'd go back to being her kind, naive, stupid, submissive Adrien once more, the class would fall back in line, Marinette would be ruined and she'd defeat Coccinelle and Cheshire Cat!

Oh, this wish would be the best thing that ever happened to her!

"Thank you both for coming on such short notice. Would you care for a drink?"

"No, thank you, Gabriel," Emilie politely declined.

"If it's all the same with you Gabriel, we'd like to get straight to business, please," Amelie continued.

Hm, Lila could tell where Adrien and Felix got their horribly rude attitudes from now! What snippy bitches!

"That's perfectly fine Miss Graham de Vanily," Gabriel said. "Now, I have brought you here as I have a request for your sons."

"What?" Both Felix and Adrien questioned.

This wasn't the plan! It was only supposed to be Adrien who would join her! Not Felix! If he was there, he'd screw up everything!

Time for an interjection.

"Um, Father?"
"Not now, Lila," he replied sharply.
"Lila," he said with a dangerous edge to his voice, fixing her with a hard stare.

She meekly looked down, trying to avoid his harsh look.

What was wrong with Gabriel? He always took her side in the old universe! She was his muse! His masterpiece! And now, his daughter! He should be treating her like a goddess! Instead, he was treating her like a liability. Her!

"What offer do you have for our sons, Gabriel?" Amelie asked.

"Ah, yes. I would like to hire them to model for me."


This time, all four yelled out in shock. Ugh, what improper heathens! He was offering them the chance of a lifetime! They could at least be grateful!

"I have all the contracts and forms here, and I can explain the terms and conditions if you'd prefer," he continued coolly.

"Where did you even consider this?" Emilie spluttered.

"Well, my lovely daughter, Lila, suggested she have somebody her age at shoots with her," he explained. "And she explained how your sons have recently joined her class. I felt they would be good influences for her and would offer the opportunity for collaboration between our two companies."

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