Hopes and Dreams

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This was it. This was the day she would regain control of everything, of everyone.

This was the day she'd get Adrien to model with her.

Her plan was perfect. She had asked Nathalie if Gabriel would have breakfast with her, then she'd bring up wanting to have a friend model with her, then bring up how Adrien had just moved. Her father would hire him instantly, he wouldn't be able to say no, and he'd be back under her control, just like before!

Taking her seat at the dining table, she made eye contact with her father. Time to put her plan into action.

"Yes, Lila?" he replied tersely.
"Um, I was thinking, I get really lonely when I'm at photoshoots. I was wondering if I could have a friend with me on set, to help me be more comfortable!"
"While that would be preferable, I feel none of your current classmates is a good influence and choice for modelling."

She faked a smile, internally smirking.

"Well, there are two new boys, Adrien and Felix Graham de Vanily? Their moms are famous filmmakers. I think Adrien might be a good choice!"

Gabriel paused, an expression of thought on his face.

"I have worked with Emilie and Amelie once before, yes I do believe it would be good." Gabriel mused. "I will invite them over tonight to discuss the arrangements."

"Oh thank you, Father! You won't regret it!"
"Yes yes, hurry up, you're going to be late for school."

Yes! Yes yes yes! Her plan was going perfectly! Oh, she'd finally have her Adrien back after so long!


As Lila entered the school courtyard, she spotted Felix and Adrien sitting on a nearby bench, the class crowding around them.

"Are you okay?"
"Did it hurt?"
"It looked so scary!"

Felix sighed, Adrien, rubbing his shoulder comfortingly.

"It didn't hurt, no, but I hated knowing I'd made so many people hurt. I can remember anything about it though, just before and after," he replied.

A haughty, mocking laugh echoed throughout the courtyard.

"Well, like I always say, once a villain always a villain!" Chloe crowed.

"And like I always say, once a bitch, always a bitch!" Adrien snapped back, glaring daggers at Chloe.

She gasped in pure shock, before regaining her haughty expression.

"How dare you?! My daddy is the mayor of Paris! He'll-"

"He'll what? Drop everything and come to tell off a boy for calling his bratty daughter out for being shitty and insensitive? Too scared to face me yourself? Oh right, I forgot you're too lazy to do anything yourself! You just have your little minion do all your work for you, and your daddy to get you everything your whiny ass wants! When was the last time you did anything for yourself, Chloe?"


"That's what I thought. Now, leave my cousin alone," Adrien snapped, turning on his heel. "Oh, and if anyone here's a villain, it's you, not Felix," he finished, leaving a gaping Chloe in his wake.

The class stared at him in shock and wonder, as if a god had descended from the sky in front of them. Nobody had the guts to stand up to Chloe like that before.

Okay, maybe this universe's Adrien wasn't that bad. At least that Chloe brat wouldn't be a problem.

She approached him and Felix, Felix immediately staring at the ground when he noticed her, while Adrien rolled his eyes in annoyance. Neither of them had the energy to talk to her today.

"What do you want Lila?" Adrien asked, clearly annoyed.

"Oh, well, I just wanted to apologize for how I acted yesterday. I had no idea I would make you so upset! I really am sorry!"

Keep it sweet and innocent, make them believe it's a genuine apology.

"Okay," Felix replied, refusing to make eye contact with her.
"Whatever," Adrien said, silently begging for her to just go away.

"Oh, thank you so much, Felix! I'm so glad you forgive me!"

Perfect. Surely they had to believe that!

"I never said that," Felix said sharply.

What the fuck? She'd apologized to him! He was supposed to forgive her! That's how apologies worked! What more did that ungrateful bastard want?

"W-what? But I apologized, and-"
"And I accept your apology, but I don't forgive you. Your persistent whining was the reason I turned into that monster. I feel like a piece of shit knowing that happened to me."

"I just wanted to know more about you!" she whimpered.
"I don't care. I hurt people because of you. I accept your apology, but I don't forgive you."

She glanced at her Adrien, hoping for some form of support, but was met with a hard, stony glare.

"Um, o-okay," she whimpered, fake choking back a sob. She looked back and hoped some of her classmates would take pity on her, but she only saw uncertain looks, disapproving glares and a couple of eye rolls.

Fuck it, they were all traitors. Taking the side of the new boys over the girl they'd known for a year, honestly! She didn't need them to follow her now, once Adrien was under her control and he was dating her, they'd be back in line, just like before.


"Hey, Adrien?"
"Yeah?" Adrien asked, glancing up from his phone.

"Mom just texted me, she said we're going to Gabriel Agreste's house after school."
"Maybe a collaboration for a movie? I think Mom was talking about a new horror one for Halloween."
"Maybe," Adrien replied.
"If he wants Lila to act in it, she'd better be the one who dies first."

The pair laughed, before heading to their first class of the day.

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