The Huntress and Her Prey

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Sakura, the vampire hunter and Sasuke, the vampire meet their match in each other; one hoping to kill while the other has to fight his instincts to take her as his, then and there.


Emerald versus obsidian in a cosmic collision while wind whips their hair, to and fro. Goosebumps rising across pale skin where the air kissed it and time itself seemed frozen around them, for just an instant.

Her scent assaulted his senses as they stood across from one another and his nostrils began to flare; blood-lust and desire hitting his system like a freight train derailing.

'Mate, mate, mate,' was on repeat inside his mind and he had to firmly clinch his fists, while also biting the inside of his cheek, in order to keep himself in check. For one false move from him would end in both of their demise and quite frankly the youngest heir to the vampire throne was in no mood to die today. At least, not yet he wasn't.

He wanted to keep his eyes locked onto hers, but it was as if they had a mind of their own. Slowly, they began to trace the black stitching that ran across the length of her throat; his black and red orbs following the wayward, thin patterns contorting this way and that, until they finally disappeared between her rounded breasts. The vampire had to swallow slowly and look away, before any of those types of thoughts formed inside his mind, she was the enemy after all and he had to be wary.

"You can look all you want, bloodsucker," the tiny huntress teased him, while simultaneously drawing his full attention back to her face, "but... you can't touch." The smirk on her ruby-red lips irked him slightly and he narrowed his gaze, his lips pulling back to flash his sharp fangs at her while a low growl rumbling in his throat. "Touchy I see," she purred while drawing two large swords from the leather sheaths upon her back. "Let's just end this quickly then, shall we."

Sasuke couldn't help it, for the sight of her in this way, had him hard... all over. 'Damn it,' he thought as he waited for her next move. 'I can't kill her. If I do that, I'll never be the same. But I can't allow her to win this either. Tsk. What an annoying woman she is.'

Sakura flipped her swords in her palms a few times before she finally charged him, viridescent eyes flashing when he disappeared for a split second, but she was ready. For she had done this dance before after all. The sword in her right hand came down hard against his shoulder blade when he flashed behind her and he hissed in pain before grabbing it with his hand and then ripping it from her strong grasp to then toss it to the side.

She easily spun her body away from his as he reached to grab her and flipped backwards a few times to land beside her discarded weapon. She smirked as she reached down to grab it before putting it back in its sheath for a later use. She now stood in a defensive stance, armed and ready but he made no move to attack as she predicted he would. He simply waited and observed.

Her head tilted to the side in amusement. "What, having a hard time deciding what to do next, bloodsucker?"

The innuendo didn't go unnoticed by Sasuke and the slight downward slanting of her vibrant eyes was confirmation for his unspoken question. He widened his stance and took pleasure in the fact that her eyes seemed to bulge slightly, catching her off guard.

"I guess I just can't help myself when it comes to beautiful women," he teased her back as a wide, dark smirk spread across his lips. Her eyes narrowed and her cheeks dusted a healthy shade of pink. He was enjoying this interaction far more than he probably should have been, but he didn't really care. His mate was a valiant adversary, with a quick wit and sharp mind to match. 'To bad she's human... and a vampire huntress. Father and Mother will be disappointed for sure. Oh well, you can't win them all and you can't pick who you are mated to. If you could, I would go with—'

"Are we going to fight or just chit chat," the young woman growled, her grip tightening around the hilt of her blade as she glared daggers at him. "You filthy scum always seem to want to crack lame jokes... until I crack your necks."

"Aw, little darlin' I would love to see you try. It's kind of cute that you think you can kill me." She yelled before charging again, only this time her movements were quicker and she was on him within seconds. He dodged her attacks easily, which only seemed to irk her more, until he had grasped onto her wrist to halt her forward momentum, bringing her to a stop just inches in front of him.

He could feel her breath fanning against his skin and had to suppress a pleasurable shiver. She continued to glare up at him, his height towering over her small frame easily. "What is your fucking problem, you bloodsucker? I mean, don't you have anything better to do, than to harass me?"

"I'm not to blame here, darlin. You came at me or don't you remember?" He could tell that his words hit home and she shoved away from him in a huff, jerking her sword from his grasp before turning her back and sauntering away.

"Whatever," she hissed. "I don't have time for this." A light beeping could be heard at her hip and she reached down before pulling a walkie talkie to her lips. "What? Yeah, I'm on my way. No, I don't need your help. Look, just stay put, I will meet you soon."

She stuffed it back in the pouch it came from and turned to him slightly. "See you around, bloodsucker. Next time, you won't be so lucky." A second later, she was gone.

Sasuke stood, rooted to the spot, for a long while after and simply stared at the place she disappeared from before he shook his head and sighed. 'You will not be so lucky next time either, my little Huntress.'

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