Honeymoon Phase - 🔞

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A drunken night leads to a surprising morning.

A sasusaku blank-period inspired short snippet. 18+ content due to adult themes and cursing.


Sakura wakes up slowly, disoriented and confused, lying sprawled out and flat on her bare belly with her head pressed down between plush pillows. Her face scrunched as her temples pounded, and she slowly lifted it; through her blurry vision finding empty beer bottles lying haphazardly all over the floor and bed mat. 'What did we do last night? How did things get so— oh, now I remember.'

Rolling to her back before sitting up, the pink-haired kunoichi rubs her eyes and is startled when Sasuke begins to speak. "I'm sorry." She turns and finds him sitting on the edge of their mat, his back facing her. The consequences of their drunken escapades are visually evident across his naked, pale skin as she observes his stiff frame.

Sakura flushed when images of last night started to steadily come back to her... jogged by the prevalent visualization of him... and flushed even darker than before as she wondered what her own flesh looked like in the morning light. Normally she took care of it before they would slumber... knowing how secretive her husband liked to be... but last night, she'd been far too drunk and tired to give it a second thought so after a few romps amongst the sheets, she'd let her exhaustion take over and pull her into a blissful rest. Her brows scrunched in confusion.

'What does he have to apologize for? He didn't do anything wrong that would've warranted it. Unless he means— ugh. Yeah, that must be it.'

They forgot to use protection. He forgot to pull out and she didn't bother with caring at the time; being far too consumed by her own needs to care. Letting out a slow breath, she turned slightly towards him and said, "It's alright. You have nothing to apologize for, Anata." Sakura observed the swift tightening of his skin where his muscles grew taunt. The way that he tensed up gave her pause. She swallowed again and glanced down at her hands that were resting in her lap; clasped. 'He'd only apologize to me for his actions if he regretted it.' Her head dipped and she sighed. Insecurity and frustration bubbled up inside of her and she decided to hell with it and voiced her thoughts. "Unless... you regret it."

"No." His answer was both sharp and swift, and she turned with wide, viridescent orbs to see him look at her intensely. Seeing Sakura's startled reaction and realizing his error, he closed his own, turning slightly to avoid her stare. "That's not what I— I'm trying to say that—"

Suddenly, the pinkette knew what he meant and her expression softened. "Sasuke-kun, look at me." He didn't, so she said, "Please." His head lifted and his mismatched eyes finally met hers. She smiles softly. "I don't regret any of it, so you shouldn't worry about it. It's okay, I'm fine... really. We will deal with things as they come. As long as you're happy, I'm happy." She lowered her gaze when his became too intense and her cheeks heated a pretty red hue. She tucked strands of her wayward, pink locks behind her ears. Feeling the bed mat dip from his body weight when he shifted, she slowly lifted her head only to realize that he was just an inch away from her face.

Without a word, he leaned forward, on his hand and knees, kissing her, propelling her to lay on her back as he crawled on top of her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and sighed; eyes closing and mind now at ease and content. He pulled away to gather air back into his lungs and looked down at her. She opened her eyes slightly to meet his own.

Smiling again after seeing him in a light that no one else ever would, she decided to tease him a little bit knowing that it'd only spur him on more. "You know, the fact that you worry like this... well, it is kind of... annoying." His lips twitching was the only indication that her words had affected him, until his onyx eyes lit with mirth, briefly and the only hint she was privy to before his fingers descended onto her side. She began to giggle while he tickled her until the sound turned into a full blown laugh. She wiggled beneath his weight in a weak attempt at getting him to stop.

But they both knew that if she'd really wanted him off of her, he would've been in a heartbeat. Sasuke finally relented though and placed his palm beside her, smirking as her giggling fit subsided. She was parting her lips to speak again when their next door neighbor's began to yell.

"It doesn't matter who it was!" Her eyes grew wide as an argument quickly ensued between the older couple next door.

"But my sister?! What is wrong with you?! Have you no shame, Kenzo?! Why did I ever marry you in the first place?! I swear, it's the biggest fucking mistake of my life." Something was thrown against the wall; a low rumble was heard as the man cursed then his voice began to rise.

"My biggest mistake was meeting you first, Yui, and settling. I should've been with Keiko instead." Black eyes blinked at her in confusion and she shrugged, not really knowing what they should do other than continue to eavesdrop in silence.

"Would've been fine by me, you damn gigolo!"

"That's rich, coming from a streetwalker like you!" It took everything in Sakura to remain quiet, knowing that this was a serious argument between the two, but finding it utterly ridiculous at the same time. This time, the woman cursed and something was thrown at the wall connecting their two rooms. Her husband didn't even flinch as the fight continued.

"Why couldn't you be like that nice young man in the other room, huh?! At least he seemed to know what he was doing and how to satisfy his lady last night. And good looking to boot. You're a shame— a disappointment. You can't even get it up half the time!!!" Sakura blushed and her hands flew to her face to somehow shield herself from the situation. 'Why does she have to bring us into their fight?!'

"Well maybe if you were as pretty as that little thing he's got it wouldn't be an issue. When I gotta look at your face all the time, it's no wonder I can't 'get it up on demand'. I'm surprised I can even get it up at all to be honest; you aren't so easy on the eyes, Yui."

Sakura heard glass shatter and the woman growled then screamed profanities. "Because you're thinking of my sister twenty-four seven, you courtesan!"

"How fucking dare you!" Their door slammed. "GET BACK HERE, WOMAN!! I'M NOT FINISHED WITH YOU YET! THIS ISN'T OVER!" The door slammed again, then all was silent.

Sakura's eyes opened wide then and Sasuke's dark brows rose as he realized that he and Sakura must be the people that the couple were referring to. This was a remote part of Kiri, a place that wasn't known or well-traveled, and apart from an old woman three doors down and this couple, he and his wife are the only people staying in this inn currently. He'd known because he had checked to make sure it was a safe and secure enough place for them to take a rest.

Sakura's hands remained covering her lips and her cheeks were still a bright shade of red as she shook her head beneath him again, fighting back another round of giggles. "Oh my god," she finally whispered to him from between her fingers. "I swear...I thought that these rooms were more soundproof."

Sasuke's lips twitched on the left. "I guess you were just as loud as I thought." Sakura's jaw dropped and she removed her hands from her mouth to slap him gently across the chest... her cheeks flushed anew. Sasuke's reflexes were quick though, so before she could pull away he'd grabbed her by the wrists. Her pulse began to quicken beneath his fingertips as he brought them up to his mouth, planting a tender kiss here and there; his black eyes darkening as he bent lower above her so that their noses almost touched. "Shall we give them another demonstration... if they return?" She blushed and nibbled on her bottom lip.

'Who am I to say no to such an invitation? After all, we're on our honeymoon; more or less. What could go wrong?' Sakura leans up and kisses him, giving her husband her answer.

My Snippets: Part 2Where stories live. Discover now