Master of Seduction

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Though Sakura may have many suitors, only one man was able to catch her eye. A strange man with the most alluring eyes that she's ever seen.

Lady Sakura and Lord Sasuke. A sasusaku AU snippet.


"You are an exquisite flower, Lady Haruno. Truly a vision," a portly fellow attempting to appeal to her affections stated as he licked the running gravy from his lips before planting a fat wet kiss to the top of her right hand. Feeling complete disgust at the action, the young lady shielded her reaction with a flourish of her fan and coughed as she not so gently tugged her hand out and away from his sweaty grasp.

A sharp, attention seeking cough guided her opticals to the left, where she felt a mixture of loathing and trepidation as her eyes landed on the familiar (very disapproving) visage of a middle-aged noblewoman. With her lips twisted into a tight scowl, the mistress appeared to age several years as she waved her own fan leisurely just below the crest of her pointed chin. The pink-haired maiden fought the impulse to not roll her eyes at the disproving glare sent her way.


Her mother's reprimanding stare managed to stay her own tongue though and she forced a polite (albeit compressed) smile onto her ruby-red stained, plump lips; forcing them to twist into a friendly gesture. Sakura could tell that this Lord in particular was gluttonous...for more than just decadently sweet pastries...and had grown uncomfortable and tired of his presence already.

"And you're so... umm... distinguished, Lord Kaneko," she finally managed to utter through tightly clenched teeth; her jaw tight as she tried to think of a way to free herself from his infernal existence; preferably with due haste.

Feeling slightly flushed, and in need of some fresh air, the lady in blue found her excuse and pardon herself from her current admirer and with a flourished wave of her fan, she lifted her skirts and proceeded towards the quiet balcony; far away from prying eyes and poorly concealed ogling.

She let out a sigh and she leaned against the metal railing; the chilled texture helped to soothe her warm skin and the tranquil night helped to clear her head; somewhat anyway. Oh, how she detested these gatherings...and her mother's insistent antics. Why couldn't the old hag see that her only daughter preferred solitude above all else. 'Because deep down, she doesn't care about anything other than her own pride and money.' Sakura sighed again as she placed her chin on a splayed palm and peered out into the boundless expanse of her family's garden; just as beautiful at night as it was during the day; with soft billowing lights strewn lazily along the curves of its expanding walk paths. She watched as a man and woman walked amongst the pretty petals as her mind slowly wandered.

Number twenty-three... and counting she presumed.

Lord Kaneko from Kiri was number twenty-three in a long line of "suitors" whom her mother had attempted to set her up with, and failed miserably.

The fact that Sakura came from such a 'prestigious' family, meant that she was unfortunately well-accustomed to such escapades, but the bothersome crone... who had claimed motherhood over her; the pink-haired was still uncertain... was becoming more impatient with each passing day; with each and every rejection she offered; though every reason that Sakura gave was well vindicated in her eyes. She had her reasons for still remaining single, at the ripe old age of twenty-one. The males of their species were just too...well too—

Too old.

Too young.

Too full of themselves to even bother acknowledging her in the slightest... and chose instead to only boast about them or their wealth.

My Snippets: Part 2Where stories live. Discover now