Eager to Win

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"Come on, Sasuke! Battle with me." Her eagerness was all too palpable, and it slowly began to rub off on him.

"Fine...," Sasuke finally relented with a sigh, lifting his right hand and extending it to show off a pokeball. His lips lifted at the edges at her surprised "doey-eyed" expression. "But I hope you're prepared to lose."

She began to smile. "You wish!"

A sasusaku SHORT Pokémon verse snippet.


"I said no...," the dark-haired stated for the upteenth time, attempting to turn his back on his pink-haired companion as they walked down the dirt path just a few miles outside of Twinleaf town. Pokémon scattered at their feet, avoiding the large over-exaggerated footfalls of the annoyed Uchiha as he ignored them completely... placing both hands firmly and securely inside his pockets. The pinkette however had no issues with keeping up, although she took care to avoid stepping on anything, and continued at a slight jog behind him.

It was well past noon, much later than Sasuke would have liked to continue with their journey, but given the hospitality from their newly acquired friends, who had so willingly and without question, sheltered them during last night's severe storms caused them to stay to enjoy some breakfast and a little light conversation (which was mostly one-sided on the Uchiha's part; given that he wasn't much of a talker). Only a slight delay mind you... but one that would nevertheless inadvertently put them several miles outside of their next destination.

Sakura, like most trainers her age, had recently captured several new additions to her growing Pokédex during their short stay, and was now trying to force him to participate in a friendly battle to "test-them-out"...more or less. He would call it bullying behavior, but of course she saw it as nothing more than her attempts of persuasion; so she continued to badger and harass him into taking a short break in order to fulfill her whims.

At the moment, he wasn't having ANY of it, and continued onward with their destination slowly growing (almost like a mirage) in distinction off in the distance. Sakura, however, was growing more insistent, and he knew instinctively that she would not stop, would not rest, until she had things her way. 'Annoying woman.'

So after a few minutes had passed—

"Come on, Sasuke! Battle with me." Her eagerness was all too palpable at this point, and it slowly began to rub off on him; much to his chagrin. He paused in his strides, turning around sharply to face her.

"Fine...," Sasuke finally relented with a sigh, lifting his right hand and extending it to show off a pokeball. His lips lifted at the edges at her surprised "doey-eyed" expression. "But I hope you're prepared to lose." It took a few extra minutes for her surprise to flicker away, but Sakura soon shook her head, eyes now focused, and then she began to smile.

"You wish!"

He spread his legs and took up a defensive stance, slowly twisting his cap around as his fingers traced over the brim for good luck; his usual 'go-to' move when starting a battle. "Prepare yourself." She assumed the same position as he did and withdrew her own mystery pokeball from the pretty pink pouch secured tightly on the belt at her waist.

"Bring it on!"

My Snippets: Part 2Where stories live. Discover now