August 2, 2011 - Peanut Butter Sandwhiches

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June 19, 2000

I don't know what to write. I'm starting this diary because I want to share all of my many adventures. And also my therapist told me to. She says it will help me to get my feelings out. Grandpa says its a good idea too.

Grandma is sick all the time and Grandpa is sad. I will make him a cake tomorrow if he lets me.

Sometimes I'm happy grandma is sick because now dad comes out of his room to help her. But I don't want her to die like mom though because then dad will be sad all over again.

Jane will come for a visit in 6 days.

Good night


June 25, 2000

Jane came today and she was mad because Cal and I were pretending to let her play video games with us but we never plugged in her controller.

We played outside too but we didn't let Jane come to our special spot because that's just for me and Cal and dad says Jane has to stay in the yard.

Jane has to go back home in 2 weeks and dad says that one day she might come live here with us or we might go live with her in Chicago. I hope she comes here because I don't want to leave Bear Paw.

Good night


July 11, 2000

Summer has been so boring for 3 days because Calvin hasn't been wanting to play because his mom is out of jail. Yesterday he said he would have time to go to the fair tonight, but he said his grandma wasn't feeling well again so I'm just staying in. Grandpa keeps asking me how I'm feeling. I know he's really asking about the accident. I don't really want to talk about it but he keeps asking me.

Now that Grandma is gone dad and grandpa are both sad so I try to help take care of Jane. I make her peanut butter sandwiches because she likes those best. Soon she will go home so I hope Calvin will want to hang out again soon.

Good night.


I close the journal, getting up from my window to sneak back downstairs. I place it back into Darla's bag, still sitting on the chair in the kitchen where I had seen it hours earlier.

Glancing at the clock, I see it's 4:00 am. Only 5 hours until the library opens.

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