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Thank you Ms Simmons for sending a request, I loved it. So here it is... Hope you like it

xoxo -N

It had been 6 months since she had last seen her daughter, she missed her more than anything, but she wouldn't have to remember miss her any longer because her daughter is coming home as soon as possible just like klaus promised.

Hayley finished applying her lipgloss and looked in the mirror, she looked beautiful, well, she was dressing to impress. Klaus and Hayley had been meeting in secret for the last 5 months. Hayley was walking to Klaus's room when she started to remember how they started this secret relationship.

They had just entered the compound still arguing about Hayley staying with the wolves for a while, things started to get heated and suddenly they were in klaus room and then... Well.. You know. To be honest they should have never spoke of that moment ever again but neither of them could stay away from the other, so they just didn't.
They would meet each other in secret when Elijah was out or if they were together alone, and once Elijah moved out to live across the river with Marcel to train the new vampires, they didn't have to hide anymore, they would spend entire mornings in the same bed just lying there tangled up in sheets and in the others arms.

Hayley sighed, she loved those moments, they were some of her favourite memories, she felt happy in those moments, and Hayley feeling truly happy was a rare thing, so she treasured each and every moment.

Hayley barged into klaus room, looking for klaus, she searched the room when she finally saw him standing in front of the mirror putting on his tie... Well attempting to at least. She smiled and walked over to him pushing him out from the front of the mirror and allowing herself to stand in front of him to tie his tie

No words were being spoken, they were still speechless, they had gotten rid of all evil that dared to threaten klaus and his family and they were finally safe, they could finally bring their daughter home.

Hayley finished tying Klaus's tie and looked him in the eyes while keeping her hands pressed firmly on his chest while klaus was holding onto her hips, the were staring intensely into each other's eyes, klaus leaned in and caught Hayley's soft lips with his and Hayley kissed back. Once they pulled away to catch their breath, Hayley removed her hands from his chest and walked to the door, she turned back round to look at klaus.

"The wolves will be arriving soon so make sure your there to welcome them" Hayley said while smiling at klaus.
"Don't worry love, I'll be there, oh and I forgot to tell you, but I have a surprise for you."

"A surprise?" Hayley asked with her eyes widening a little bit, klaus never surprised her, he always told her everything and was always honest.

"Yes... But you can't have it until tonight." Hayley sighed then smiled, klaus walked over to Hayley kissed her lightly then said "come on little wolf, we have a party to go to," but Hayley suddenly said

"okay but remember, no staring or even flirting with me, I don't want anybody to find out, not yet anyway." Klaus nodded and stole one more kiss before walking away, Hayley followed klaus into the courtyard were people from each faction, the vampires, the werewolves, the witches and even some of the humans, were all together in the same room, everyone seemed at peace, the werewolves were dancing with the vampires and even human and witches were dancing, the night couldn't have been more peaceful.

The night went by and with surprisingly no fight or arguments or disagreements, Hayley was talking to Jackson, he was just about to ask her to dance when klaus come over and asked Hayley that question for himself, Hayley excused herself from Jackson to go dance and klaus gave Jackson a glare while walking away, suddenly the song "I found by Amber Run" started to play, klaus took hold of Hayley's waist holding her close to his body and Hayley wrapped her arms around Klaus's neck pulling him in closer to her, they were swaying to the song along with other people when suddenly klaus got a phone call.

"Excuse me little wolf, this is very important." Klaus whispered as he looked down at the caller ID on his phone, Hayley nodded to tell klaus it was okay, but before Hayley could walk away from the spot klaus left her in, klaus was back in a instant.

"Well that was quick." Hayley said knitting her eyebrows together, klaus just smiled, his dimples showing more than ever, Hayley was still confused.

"Your surprise has arrived." Klaus said while walking Hayley towards the middle of the courtyard
"My surpi-" Hayley's voice hitched, the words were literally taken out of her mouth, it was Rebekah and hope, hope, her baby girl, Hayley ran up to Rebekah, taking hope out of her hands and holding hope close to her chest while a few tears rolled down her cheeks, she couldn't believe it, her baby girl was back in her arms just like klaus promised. Hayley couldn't have been happier.

Everyone was now staring at Hayley and hope and couldn't believe their eyes. Klaus noticed and walked over to them both. "As all of you know, 6 months ago, you all believed our daughter was lost, but she was never lost, we kept her hidden, out of the city in order to protect her from the people who were trying to harm her, and tonight we are finally celebrating the peace in this city, and celebrating the fact that out daughter has come home." Klaus picked up a glass and held it up in the air

"To peace " he said and everyone copied "To peace." Some werewolves and vampires came up to Hayley and klaus to talk about their daughter and the current worries of some of the werewolves, but none of it mattered to klaus or Hayley at the moment, they were just happy their daughter was back, it was almost 9:00 when Rebekah came over to Hayley, she looked shattered, Hayley smiled at her and thanked her for taking care of her, Rebekah replied saying it was her pleasure, and that she would do anything for her niece.

Rebekah looked down at her wrist "You should be putting hope to bed now or she will be a nightmare in the morning." Rebekah chuckled, Hayley laughed as well, "I'll go out her to bed now then." Hayley whispered looking down at a half asleep hope in her arms. She walked up the stairs and and laid her in her crib, all Hayley could do was stare at her, not wanting to look away just in case it was a dream. Next minute klaus was standing next to her looking down at their daughter when Hayley turns to him and says "Thank you" she jumps into Klaus's arms and hugs him tight, he hugs back. Hope startles in her sleep, unknowingly telling her parents to go away and let her sleep.

Hayley and klaus leave the room to walk onto the balcony that's located just above the courtyard, they both look over all of the happy people, all that they have achieved. Klaus turned to look at Hayley, he was smiling like an idiot, Hayley looked at him smiling as well. " Hayley -" klaus started to say but was cut off by Hayley "klaus I know what your going to say and before you say it, no, I'm not going to move to the bayou." "Actually little wolf, I was going to talk about something else, but not completely different, I was wondering if you would do me the honours of sharing my room, you basically live in their already, so why not move in there." Klaus asked hesitantly looking hopefully into Hayley's eyes, Hayley took his hand and intertwined their fingers. Klaus was shocked, they never showed any public affection of any kind so why now.

Hayley smiled then leaned in to kiss klaus, capturing his lips with hers, they shared a passionate kiss, with lots of emotions, in front of everybody in the compound, when they start to sepoy rate from the kiss they hear everybody cheering, whistling and shouting wooooooo, they even hear Rebekah say 'about bloody time'.

They lean against each other's foreheads, their breathing fast, trying to catch their breath from the kiss. Hayley looks into klaus eyes and whispers "does that answer your question" she smirks, "most definitely little wolf" klaus replies stealing her lips for another kiss.


Hope you liked it, it took me ages because I couldn't concentrate ahaha xxx send me a request for a Oneshot xxxx

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