Always been more

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hey guys so my first high school AU xx hope you like it

They were in so much trouble, fuck, their teacher was so pissed.

Klaus and Hayley had been best friends since they were born, they were inseparable, even when they got in trouble, they'd  always join in with the lie so the other didn't get blamed all on their own. Even when they ran, they didn't stray too far from each other.

"quick! They're gonna find us." Klaus shouted through the halls of the high school, as they ran from the headmaster, god was she fast. Once Hayley had caught up from pulling her hood up, Klaus grabbed her hand and interlocked their fingers, making sure she didn't get left behind.

"which way," Hayley asked when they stopped at the corridor, she looked left and right, one was filled with people and the other wasn't.

"it would be obvious that we went through the empty one, if we go through this one she might not find us." God was he wrong, half way through their conversation, the headmaster caught up with them.

"stay right there." They turned their heads to look and gasped, Klaus pulled Hayley by her hand through the corridor with people, making their way to the gym.

It was prom, and because they were Klaus and Hayley, they didn't do things by tradition, well, Hayley did wear a dress, and Klaus wore a suit, but they both had sneakers and a hoody, you see they had this plan, on prom night, they would pull one of the most awesome pranks they had ever pulled. They hid in the roof of the school, and filled a load of buckets with paint, they then placed them above the door of the headmasters office and well, i think you know what happened.

They pushed the doors to the gym open and walked inside, sowing down so no one would suspect anything.

"oh my god." Hayley laughed, she couldn't stop, she has the most beautiful laugh, Klaus thought.

Wait... what ?

The doors of the gym slammed themselves open, and a very angry and blue headmaster stormed inside. Klaus panicked, Hayley was still laughing, not noticing, but Klaus's panicked face, made her stop.

"hey what's ...." she tried to ask Klaus, but was cut off by Klaus grabbing her hips and pushing her against the wall.

"Klaus is the headmaster here..." she was once again cut off but this time from Klaus pulling her into a kiss, she was shocked at first, well, who wouldn't be, her best friend since child hood and crush was kissing her, holding her against his perfectly toned body. She just couldn't help it, she kissed back, releasing all of her lust and love she had for him since they were 15.

And Klaus did the same, i mean if you where kissing your crush wouldn't you do the same. He held onto her for dear life, not wanting to let go. Keeping his lips crushed up against hers as their tongues fought one another's. When they both pulled back for air, they noticed that the headmaster had walked right by them, choosing to ignore their public affection.

Klaus pulled back away from Hayley, clearing his throat, "errm, we should probably get back stage, their gonna be announcing king and queen soon." Just as he spoke, the lights turned up, illuminating the entire gym. A teacher was on stage holding the crowns. Tapping the microphone, which screeched, making everyone cover their ears.

Trying to ignore the growing tension, Hayley said, "there's no point, were never gonna get through the crowd now." They both sighed, they were gonna try to create their favourite movie, without the killings of course, Carrie.

"hello everyone, it's time to announce prom king and queen." The overexcited maths teacher beamed through the microphone.

" okay then, the moment of truth...... Klaus and Hayley." Both of their mouths dropped open, what??

"come on you too, onto the stage." silently they walked onto the stage and received there crowns. Then everyone went back to dancing, talking and spiking the punch bowl. Marcel, Klaus's friend came over to them with one of the biggest smiles you've ever seen on his face.

"this was you wasn't it, you rigged the votes."Klaus asked

"it might of been me, but i didn't rig it, its just... when people owe you a few favours and this is the last night I'm gonna see them ever again, i might as well put them to good use, congratulations your majesties." Marcel bowed at them then walked away, Klaus and Hayley laughed, still laughing, Klaus asked Hayley if she wanted to leave, and still laughing she said yes.

The car ride home was totally not awkward, okay i may be lying, okay i am. Neither of them had said a word since they left the prom, they were still thinking about the kiss. But they were best friends, they were meant to stay friends.. right, or was it meant to be like one of those cheesy cliché romance movies, since Hayley's parents were out of town that night, conveniently Hayley frowned, Hayley was gonna stay at Klaus's which just made everything even more awkward. Klaus pulled up outside his house, and turned the car off, they both got out, not sharing any words they walked inside and went to Klaus's bedroom, Hayley took some pjs out of her night bag and went to the bathroom.

Klaus sighed staring longingly at the bathroom door, he just had to kiss her didn't he, he just had to kiss Hayley, who his best friend, and conveniently the girl who had been in love with since he was 14. He sighed, and got changed, when Hayley came back from the bathroom, she said, " ill sleep on the floor, its your bed." And of course Klaus wasn't happy about that. "why?, we've shared a bed before, what's so different." "you kissed me Klaus , that's what's different." She looked in to his eyes, trying to read the emotions on his face, but damn.. he had a good poker face. "you cant just kiss me and think we can go back to normal, that isn't us, we've been best friends since we were born, and we weren't nothing more." Klaus walked towards her and placed his hand on her cheek, " you have always been more to me than my best friend Hayley."

He lifted her chin and made her look into his eyes, he pulled her chin up further and leaned down, capturing her into a soft passionate kiss, her arms snaked their way up to his neck, wrapping themselves around his head, while his wrapped themselves around Hayley's waist, pulling her closer to his body. Hayley pulled away, from the kiss, resting her forehead against his, she breathed heavily, catching her breath from the kiss, she opened her eyes and whispered "you've always been more then my best friends as well." Klaus smiled, kissing Hayley again. They laid in Klaus's bed that night, quietly talking about, how they can see each other more, when they go to the college, how they can hang out in each other's dorm rooms.

After that they just lay there, Klaus was playing with Hayley's fingers that were resting on his stomach as she slowly fell to sleep, when he was sure she was asleep he moved a few strands of hair out of her face, and kissed her forehead. H closed his eyes and whispered "i love you." To which Hayley, who he thought was asleep, responded, " i love you too."

In the morning, when Rebekah went to wake them up, she found them entangled with each other's limbs, and with big smiles on their faces as they slept.

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