I Surrender To You

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Hey guys! This is my late Christmas gift to all of you! Sorry for yhe delay but Santa got pulled over by the cops when he was due to bring this 😂 anyway, I hope everyone had a great holiday and enjoy!!!

This oneshot was inspired by Surrender by Natalie Taylor, and I seriously suggest you listen to it when reading this because it is amazing!

Moving his head side to side as he woke up, the blonde opened his eyes only to see a flow of brunette hair cascading down a woman's neck.

Klaus smiled as he noticed the woman's presence, the arm he had wrapped around her tightened out of instinct, as he remembered the last few hours.

He and Hayley had been playing a drinking game,

Everyone had retired to bed, Elijah, Rebekah, Freya, kol and hope. He and Hayley offered to clear up after Christmas Day was over. After they were finished Hayley pulled out the vintage bottle of whisky on the shelf and smirked at him, asking "wanna play a game?" And of course, he did not refuse. The game consisted of taking a shot whenever a character on the TV was stood in the corner and looked as if they were wearing the christmas hat they had placed on the TV.

The results of the game were lied right in his bed, although it was not foreign to either of them. They'd been doing it for months, but not the drinking game, no. The other part.
Waking up next to each other, both nude from the actions they had made. The blonde and the brunette decided months ago that they should make whatever they were doing strictly business, friends with benefits.

He lied there, watching her, how her beautiful brown hair cascaded down her back onto his bed, How her ear slightly twitches as she is asleep. How even in sleep she seems powerful and strong. How she is the gorgeous mother of his beautiful child, how she to him is literal perfection in his eyes. How the love he feels for her is the most consuming thing he has ever felt in his entire life.

Sliding his arm from around her waist he moves his hand toward her neck, and gently grabs a lock of hair that was covering her skin and moved it back to the rest of her silky hair. The skin on her neck glows in the light, making it almost irresistible to resist placing his lips against it , and breathing in her scent.

The sudden tickle Hayley feels on her neck causes her to wake from slumber. As she feels the familiar sensation she begins to smile. Which klaus takes note of, sliding his arm slowing down the curves of her body until their hands meet so he then entangles them together tightly.

Continuing to kiss Hayley's neck, klaus patterns the kisses up and up, reaching over to kiss her lips as she turns over on her back making her more accessible to him.

Now towering over the brunette, the blonde pulls Hayley's lips into his own with the most passionate kiss either of them have ever given or received. It was gentle, kind, soft, full of care, and compassion and love. Hayley runs out of breath soon as she's overwhelmed with the feeling of love from the kiss.

Pulling back from her as she catches her breath, klaus stares at her, sweeping his eyes over her features, remembering the little details of her face. The slight freckles, on her nose, the small trace of a scar on her forehead, probably from her childhood before the werewolf curse was activated. The green dotted and wrapped around the pupil of her eye.

His breath hitched in his throat, oh how helplessly in love with her he was.

As he hovers, the blonde holds himself up with one arms as the other reaches forward to cup her cheek.

"I surrender" he whispers

Furrowing her perfect eyebrows with a confused smile on her face Hayley asks


"I'm surrendering, I can't do it anymore"

Her confused smile diffuses, now replaced with a slight look of worry.

"I can't pretend do be fine with this"

"Can't pretend to be Fine with what klaus?" She asks seriously confused by now.

"I can't pretend to be fine with being together so intimately with you. I can't pretend to be fine with not wanting you every single second of the day, I can't pretend anymore Hayley. I surrender," he breathes hard.

"I surrender to you, I surrender my self, my feeling, my love for you. "

Hayley's mouth open in shock, her eyes widening as she sees the truth in klaus's blue eyes.

Moving her hand to cup klaus's cheek, her eyes flicker to his lips, the slowest and smallest of movements showing her care for him.

Pulling his face in, his body falls onto hers, eliminating the space between them as Hayley links their lips together in a slow, passionate kiss. As she kisses him, she flips them over so she's sat straddling his lap, he firmly grabs her hips holding her in place.

Pulling away from the kiss she smirks at him and says,
"do you have any idea how long I've been waiting to hear that?"

Matching her smirk, klaus pulls himself up to her, and wraps his arm around her so she doesn't fall backwards, and another one cradling her head as he places it against his own as he look into her eyes with desperation.

"A long time I'm sure, but I promise on my life, that not another day of your immortal life will go buy without you hearing me tell you, I love you."

Almost immediately he pulls her into a deep kiss, giving her no chance to answer to answer but only through her lips. Her warm plump lips preform as his does straight away, showing him without words her love for him but it wasn't enough for her.

Pulling away breathlessly she whispers ""I love you too"

He kisses her again, more slow this time as he gently lays back down with her still on top of him, both pull away, klaus rests his head on his pillow whilst Hayley lays hers upon his chest, sliding slightly down the side of him, feeling at home with the warmth of his muscular arms wrapped around her keeping her close to him, never wanting to let go.

They talked and laughed, and shared kisses for hours, until they eventually fell asleep again, letting dreams of their future consume them.

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