Tired (Schlatt)

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Little: Schlatt (2)
Cg: Wilbur

Tw/Cws: Yelling, being overwhelmed, not censored cursing.

Note: This is rewritten, it used to have Quackity as Schlatts caregiver.

"Oh my GOD schlatt! You're so god damn power hungry that you don't even realize that everyone here is miserable!," Wilbur yelled, his face showing pure anger and irritation.

"I'm not power hungry, I just want what's best for Manberg!," Schlatt yelled back, his arm motioning towards the door as if he was motioning towards people that weren't there.

He didn't even know why Wilbur was here or why he let him in, he also didn't know why they were fighting.

"No you just fucking care about your sorry self! That's why you took L'manberg from us in the first place!," Wilbur screamed, his arm moved towards Schlatt which made the younger of the two finch away harshly and whimper quietly. "You don't even know how to run a country!," .

"I-I do know how to run a country! I'm always working my ass off for this stupid country," Schlatt tried to yell but he couldn't raise his voice above a whisper. In truth he was trying so hard not to slip.

He knew everything Wilbur said was somewhat true but he did care about this nation and he really was always working and trying his hardest to do things right, but nobody really saw that and they just always complained.

Wilbur took a step towards Schlatt, snapping him out of his thoughts as he flinched and tried to get away from him with tears gathering in his eyes. Wilburs eyes went wide and he stopped walking as he finally realized what was happening.

By now Schlatt was against the wall, tears streaming down his cheeks, as he slowly slid down the wall and sat against it. The poor little had no idea what was happening, he was just scared and tired.

"Hey bub I won't hurt you, I just want to make sure you're alright love," Wilbur said softly as he carefully made his way to the little. Schlatt whimpered but didn't try to get away when Wilbur pulled him into a hug. "how old are you love?," Wilbur asked and Schlatt held up two shaky fingers.

"I'm sorry hun, I didn't know you were slipping. I'd never hurt you bub, I promise," Wilbur said softly. Schlatt just laid against Wilburs chest and sucked on his thumb.

"Hey that's icky, do you have a pacifier?," Wilbur asked and when Schlatt nodded he pulled them both onto their feet and helped a wobbly Schlatt to his room.

Once Schlatt was in his room he instantly plopped down onto the carpet and looked up at Wilbur with big brown eyes. Wilbur cooed at the sight and went to search for his stuff.

Wilbur found the box in the closet, it was colorfully decorated and held all of his little stuff, minus his clothes.

Wilbur set the box down on the floor and sat next to Schlatt, He let the little pick out what he wanted from the box and then closed it. Schlatt had grabbed a grey pacifier that had a white sheep painted on the center and a soft pink sheep plushie along with a matching pink bottle.

Wilbur smiled softly as Schlatt instantly popped the paci in his mouth. Schlatt started whining and tugging at his uncomfortable black suit and looked at Wilbur with teary eyes.

"Give me one second sweets, I'll go get you some pretty clothes," Wilbur said before standing and going back to Schlatt's closet. He first set the box back in it's hiding spot and then he looked through the slightly messy clothes before pulling out a outfit that he thought Schlatt would like.

He had grabbed a soft grey sweater, black overall shorts, and white socks. Wilbur made his way back to the little who was playing with his stuffie. He showed Schlatt the clothes and Schlatt giggled which told Wilbur that he liked them.

Schlatt stood up, wobbling a few times, and held Wilburs hand as they walked to the bathroom. "Bath time baba?," Schlatt asked, staring up at Wilbur with soft innocent eyes.

"Yes bub, it's bath time," Wilbur responded, his heart melting at the nickname. When they reached the bathroom Wilbur sat Schlatt on the closed toilet seat and started the bath, making sure the water wasn't too hot or too cold. He didn't want the baby to burn himself but he also didn't want him to get a cold either.

Schlatt swung his legs excitedly on the toilet seat while watching the caregiver with curious eyes. "baba," Schlatt mumbled with his paci in between his teeth. "yes my love?," Wilbur answered then turned around after turning on the water.

Schlatt reached out towards Wilbur and made grabby hands at the other. When Wilbur stepped in front of him Schlatt grabbed onto the others sweater and gripped at it as if it would disappear if he let go or even loosened his grip slightly.

Schlatt rested his head on Wilburs chest and Wilbur slowly pet his hair. He glanced over at the bath and saw it was almost full.

"Sweetie it's bath time," Wilbur said as he stood Schlatt up and helped him remove his suit. Wilbur left him in his boxers and helped him into the bath.

"I'm gonna wash your hair now, stay still so no soap gets in your pretty eyes love," Wilbur said gently. He always made sure to use lots of nicknames when speaking to little Schlatt, though he hadn't seen him in a while.

Schlatt was very calm while getting his hair washed but that was mainly because he was exhausted. "Don't fall asleep on me, we still gotta get some food in your tummy," Wilbur said while tickling Schlatts stomach a bit which made the little start giggling a lot.

"Mkays baba," Schlatt replied though he was very tired. Wilbur knew that if Schlatt did fall asleep he probably wouldn't wake him up because a cranky little isn't the most cooperative person to deal with.

Wilbur finished washing the others hair and washed the soap out with a cup (if your mom didn't wash your hair like this how did she?). After he got all the soap off his hair and body he grabbed a warm towel.

"Come baby," Wilbur called to the little who wobbled while getting up and let Wilbur wrap him in the towel gently.

"Clothes baba?," Schlatt asked Wilbur who nodded in response and walked them to their room. Wilbur laid Schlatt on the bed and walked back to the bathroom to grab his clothes then walked into Schlatts closet and grabbed a diaper, he knew Schlatt probably wouldn't need one but it was always better to be safe then sorry.

Wilbur quickly got the little dressed, looking away when necessary of course. After Schlatt was all nice and cozy in his adorable outfit Wilbur helped him walk to the kitchen and sat him in a chair. "I'm going to make you some nice milk alright love?," Wilbur said, he wasn't really asking anything more of just letting him know.

Schlatt sleepily nodded and set his head on the table as Wilbur got to work on the bottle. Soon he finished and when he looked over to the little he found him asleep, snoring quietly. Wilbur giggled a bit and gently woke the other up.

He would have left him asleep but Wilbur is, unfortunately, not strong enough to carry Schlatt and he can't carry him to the bed. Schlatt woke up after being tapped once by Wilbur who always forgets that the other is a very light sleeper.

"Come bub let's get you to bed," Wilbur had no fear saying that since he knew that Schlatt was extremely tired and was always happy for naps throughout the day no matter if he was little or big. Schlatt just gave a sleepy nod and stumbled to his room and laid on the bed. Wilbur handed him his bottle and the little started drinking immediately.

Wilbur grabbed a hoodie and sweatpants from Schlatts closet and changed then grabbed Schlatts stuffie and paci and got into bed next to him. Schlatt always loved cuddles while little.

Wilbur reached to hand Schlatt his stuffie but noticed that he was already asleep. Wilbur moved the bottle to his bedside table along with the paci and cuddled closer to Schlatt, wrapping a arm around the others waist.

"I'm sorry bub," .

A/N: Gotta love rewrites -M<3

Word count: 1430

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