Artic (Tommy)

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Little: Tommy (1)
Flip: Technoblade (5)
Cg: Philza

Tw/Cws: L'manburg doomsday, implied self neglect.

I know Flip Techno wasn't in the request but I had to

requested by: doodlebug_hannah

Tommy shivered under the large cape that was hanging around his shoulders, why would he think this was a good idea?

He was on his way to the artic to see Techno and Phil. He still had the axe of peace which needed to be returned and he had one of Technos capes which he didn't know if the older wanted back or not.

Despite him not seeing the pair since doomsday, the day both himself and Techno had been betrayed, he was just a bit happy to see them.

He didn't know what to expect, and he definitely didn't expect a perfectly friendly Techno to greet him, but he at least wanted to return the axe. It was the least he could do.

He didn't know why he let Puffy and Tubbo talk him into this and he didn't know why he listened but a small voice in the back of his head told him it would be fine.


"Bossman, you've gotta see him someday. Why not let it be your decision?," Tubbo pat the tallers back gently when Tommy sighed heavily.

"I knowww, I just.. don't.. want to?," He knew he was making excuses up. Why wouldn't he want to see Techno? His caregiver and brother?

"Yeah, you do," Tommy's head snapped up at the sound of Puffys voice coming from the doorway.

Puffy had been babysitting Tommy when he was little since doomsday. She knew how much he wanted to see Techno, he would have breakdowns and slip purely from not being able to see his caregiver daily like before.

Tommy let out a frustrated sigh, his hoodie now being clutched between his clammy hands.

"Okay, I'll go see him," Tommy mumbled softly under his breath. Puffy, knowing that Tommy was slipping, left it at that and walked into the room fully to comfort the youngest.


Tommy trudged through the thick snow. He clearly wasn't dressed for this weather and his constant shivering and almost blue lips told him that.

He was wearing his usual red and white shirt with a blue cardigan over it and Technos cape on his shoulders, he was wearing boots yet he could still feel the wet snow seeping into them.

His colorful wings fluttered against his back, bringing back into reality. (His wings are like a parrots, red and orange with hints of yellow)

Tommy swallowed his fear and continued on, he couldn't feel his hands anymore.

Tommy gasped when he spotted Technos familiar cabin in the distance. He picked up his pace.

"Hi guys," He whispered softly to the many wolves outside of the cabin, the dogs panted happily and licked his legs.

Suddenly the door flung open and Tommy was face to face with Techno, the piglin had a look of realization flash over his face then confusion clouded his features.

"Tommy?," Techno asked, his monotone voice masking his confusion and slight worry. He hadn't seen Tommy in about two months and he'd be lying if he said he wasn't a bit relieved.

Tommy wordlessly held the axe out and when Techno took it hesitantly, he nodded and turned to leave.

Techno came to his senses seconds after handed the axe and he quickly reached his hand out and grabbed the back of Tommys cape.

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