Lost (Techno)

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Little: Technoblade (2-0)
Cg: Surprise:)

Tw/Cws: Getting lost, overthinking, panicking, crying, mention of scars (brief) .

Techno walked through the woods slowly. He knew these woods... right? So why was he so lost? So much for the 'Human GPS'. (/ref)

He knew it was a bad idea to go exploring today. He knew from the moment he woke up with a terrible headache that made him flinch at any slightly loud noise. He knew when his wolves kept trying to follow him. He knew when it was abnormally cold.

Now he was lost, alone, and freezing.

Techno couldn't help but whine lowly when a gust of wind hit him. It was so cold. And dark.

He looked around the trees with a face expression that wasn't seen often, his eyes and nose were scrunched up and his lip trembled slightly as he attempted to not cry. He could handle this. He was big.

Yeah, sure.

He flinched harshly as a branch broke off a tree and scratched his cheek on the way down. Add injured to the list.

Techno couldn't take it anymore. He didn't care how vulnerable or babyish he looked or seemed.

He plopped down next to a tree, shivering harshly when snow wet his clothes even more, and put his head in his arms.

He whimpered pitifully and the tears began to flow. Hiccuping sobs and low cries left his mouth and flowed freely in the air as he cried into his arms, wetting his sleeves further with tears.

Technos crying only got louder as the fact that he was indeed lost dawned on him.

Would he see Phil again? Who would feed Carl or his wolfs? What would happen to his house? To Tommy or Wilbur?

Of course, he was overthinking but the mentally two year old couldn't help it. He was, in his mind, thinking about things that would for sure happen.

What if a bear came along and wanted a snack? What if Quackity found him and decided he wanted revenge? Who would save him then?

His harsh thoughts were overrun when a crunch in the snow made Techno gasp and look up quickly. A footstep. His hiccups and shuddering breaths, however, did not stop and though he stopped sobbing he could still be heard very clearly.

"Who's there?," A voice cut through the wind.

Techno froze.

Who was that? Techno couldn't recognize the voice with his thick brain fog and he couldn't think, or see, well enough to guess either.

Techno swallowed hard and closed his eyes. If he couldn't see them, they couldn't see him.

"Techno?," His eyes opened instantly and he leaned in on himself more, hugging his knees tightly.

"Uh uh, no' here," He mumbled, a attempt to make the voice go away. The voices were loud in his ears but he didn't trust them.

It's a good guy!
Good guy

Techno attempted to see the figure but all he could see was darkness. When had it gotten so dark? How long has he been out here?

Techno flinched back and kicked when he felt a hand? On his cheek. "No! Go 'way!," He cried out, fresh tears on his face.

He leaned his head away and reached out to push the figure away.

"Woah! Techno, it's me. Relax," Was that... Dream?

Techno opened his eyes slightly and looked in front of him. He could see now. Dream was in front of him with a lantern in his hand, his face clear and his expression kind.

"What's wrong? Why are you out here alone?," Dream reached forward and cupped Technos cheek gently and the mentally younger moved into his touch, allowing the comfort to calm him down.

His body was hard to move and his brain was more sluggish, did he always feel this tired? He didn't know.

Words became hard to form in his head, he couldn't think.

"It's okay hun, are words too hard right now?," Dream whispered affectionately to the boy. Technos eyes fluttered a bit and his body relaxed. Why was he so tense in the first place? He couldn't remember.

He babbled a bit in response, only really getting out "Aba ma," . Dream let out a soft laugh, his eyes softer then usual and his thumb carefully rubbing against Technos cheek.

"You wanna go home, angel? Yeah? Come," Dream stood then leaned down and lifted Techno into his arms, it wasn't that hard considering Dream wasn't much shorter then him.

Techno couldn't help but curl up in the blonds arms, he was so comforting and warm. He let his head fall on Dreams chest and let out a small sigh.

"You must've been so cold, huh? The woods isn't a good place for such a tiny boy like you," Dream cooed at Techno continously as he walked. Techno only nodded slowly.

Told ya
Good Dream
He's good!

Techno whined softly when the door slammed a bit behind Dream. "So sorry bub," Dream said with a apologetic smile.

Techno said nothing. He rubbed at his eyes and yawned sleepily. "You must be so sleepy, sleepy little baby," Techno couldn't help but giggle at Dreams words.

Techno reached a hand up and pressed it against Dreams slight stubble, feeling the roughness with curious fingers.

"Okay button, let's get you nice and cozy, yeah?," Dream walked through the cabin until he reached Technos room.

Techno was set on the bed while Dream found a warm outfit and some things for the baby.

He carefully helped Techno dress, a onesie, hoodie, and sweatpants on the little.

Dream popped Technos paci, a pale pink pacifier, in his mouth and smiled gently when Technos eyes visibly drooped.

Techno reached out for Dream. Dream moved closer to the boy and got on the bed.

He laid down, still slightly sitting up, and motioned at Techno to come closer, which Techno agreed to eagerly.

Techno laid on Dream, his cheek pressed against Dreams chest, and sighed contently. Why must Dream be so warm?

"Sleepy?," Dream asked lowly. Techno only nodded slowly. He was carefully tracing Dreams scars on his arm where his hoodie had gone up. Techno didn't know where they came from but he didn't really want to think about it.

Technos hand slowly stopped as sleep washed over his body, finally taking him under.

His hand curled up into a little fist and his head fell slightly, the eyes closing slowly. (Y'know the fist that babies make when they sleep?)

"Good night," Dream mumbled, he leaned down to kiss Technos head carefully to not scare him.

Dream would be lying if he said he wasn't glad he stumbled on Techno in the woods.

A/N: I got this prompt ages ago and just now wrote it (started it last night) I'm always so quick to finish baby Techno chapters -M♡

Word count: 1146

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