Wilbur (phil)

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Little Phil anyone?

Little: Phil (1) Cg: Technoblade others: Wilbur

Tw/Cw: literally the whole beginning until the time skip. (Mentions of explosion, fire, extreme pain, murder, etc)

Phil screamed as he felt his wings being torn apart and burned from the explosions and fire, tightening his grip on Wilbur.

He gasped for air as his eyes squeezed shut. He could feel the blood dripping down his back.

"Phil kill me. kill me, Phil, do it," Wilbur handed Phil his sword then stepped back and opened his arms as a invitation.

"You're my son!," Phil yelled then regretted it immediately as the pain and pressure on his back increased.

"Do it Phil! They all want you to!," Wilbur gestured to the crowd that was beginning to form and Phil knew he was right, he would be killed himself if he allowed Wilbur to live.

Phil couldn't risk it, he had too much to live for. He had Techno and Ranboo and Tommy, though he'd probably want nothing to do with him, and he couldn't let them go.

Phil drew in a deep breath and stabbed the sword into Wilburs chest, falling to his knees as his son collapsed.

He held Wilbur until he felt the young adult take his final breath and even then he continued to hold him, sobbing over his dead body.

He could feel hands on his shoulders attempting to pry him away from the brunette but he held on, he held on until Wilburs body disintegrated into a small cloud of smoke and even then he continued to cry.

It wasn't until hours later that his tears finally slowed to a stop, his eyes physically couldn't form tears anymore.

He was tired and cold and he could feel the dry blood caked onto his back from his damaged wings.

Phil looked up for the first time in hours and the first thing he noticed was that Technoblade was there with him, sitting in front of him.

"Tech?," Phils voice came out raspy and quiet. "Hm?," Techno responded with a small hum, opening his eyes.

"Can we go home?," Phil mumbled and leaned in on himself. Techno nodded and lifted Phil up, carefully situating him so he wasn't in pain.

"Techno-," Phil started but was cut off immediately. "You haven't eaten today which means no energy and you're shaking like a leaf," Techno replied swiftly and Phil left it at that, it did feel good to be carried.

"What happened to your wings," Techno questioned, though it felt more of as if he was stating rather then asking.

"I protected him, from the explosion," Phil replied quietly, Techno could feel his grip tightening.

"It's okay Phil, you tried your best and it's what he wanted," Techno pat Phils head and huffed.

Phil leaned into the touch and let his eyes close.

<time skip>

Phil sat up in his bed and the first thing he noticed was his wings. They were bandage and out as he noticed holes cut into a plain white shirt.

"Tech?," Phil mumbled and Techno, having extremely good hearing, peeked into the room. Phil only then noticed he was in Technos base, armour and weapons armed the walls along with chests scattered through the room.

"Hullooo, feeling better?," Techno walked further into the room and sat on the bed.

Phil huffed and laid back down, stuffing his face into a pillow. "I'll take that as a no?," Techno pet Phils head, Phil leaning into the touch comfortably.

"C'mon buddy, don't you want some food?," Technos attempt to bribe Phil was instantly put to a stop when Phil shook his head and whined.

"No' hungy," Phil mumbled, beginning to pick at the bandages on his wings.

"No no bub, that's to help you heal," Techno gently removed Phils hands and held them in his own.

Phil whined and let his head fall forward.

"Right," Techno lifted Phil from the bed swiftly and moved to the kitchen, placing Phil on the counter.

"It's two pm and you didn't eat anything yesterday so you have a choice, bottle or Mac n cheese?,"

"Bof?," Phil said quietly. Techno smiled at the cooperation and nodded, starting to cook the noodles.

Phil pulled his legs up onto the counter, hugging them to his chest. Techno turned after putting the noodles in the pot and pet Phils head softly.

Phil leaned towards Techno and wrapped his arms around Technos waist, hugging Techno tightly as if Phil was afraid he'd disappear if he let go.

"I know baby bird, I know," Techno continued petting Phils hair until the timer for the noodles went off and he had to basically pry Phils hands off to finish cooking.

Phil whined sadly and kept doing grabby hands to Techno. "It's okay bub, I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere," Techno constantly had to reassure Phil but he was fine with it, he'd gone through so much in just the last day alone and he deserved to be comforted.

After the noodles were done Techno started on the bottle, which was just warm milk with a splash of vanilla and a spoon of sugar.

Techno shook the bottle to mix it then lifted Phil again, having the little hold the bottle while he held the food.

Techno walked to the living room and set Phil down on the couch, putting the food on the table.

Techno slowly fed the little his noodles, having to constantly remind him what they were doing. Techno was used to doing that. Phils birdlike instincts made him be distracted very easily.

After half the plate was gone Phil turned his head which let Techno know he was full and didn't want anymore.

"Mkay, bottle time?," Techno asked and Phil nodded then pointed to Techno. He wanted his bottle and cuddles.

Techno smiled and rearranged the pair so Phils back was lying against Technos chest, that was he could drink the milk comfortably. (And not choke-)

Phil sighed contently and began drinking his bottle.

<Time skip>

Techno slowly moved Phil and stood up, stretching. The little had fallen asleep after finishing his bottle.

Techno had work to do and he couldn't stay with Phil, as much as he wanted to. He placed a gently kiss on the blonds head and left the room, diming the lights as he left.

A/N: I just really wanted to write little Phil- I think he's adorable:) -T<3

Word count: 1078

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