welcome back to exile (Tommy)

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Little: Tommy
Cg: Phil, Dream
Extra: Techno is mentioned

Tw/Cws: Manipulative cg, Mention of injurys, Panic attack.

Inspired by Tommys most recent lore stream (Ik I'm a cDream apologist but still)

"I-I have to get the axe!," Tommy gasped while running to the portal. He had completely forgotten about the axe after they locked Dream up but now that he was out that would for sure be the first thing Dream would go after.

Tommy ran towards the exile sight, shaking his head to stop the memories that were flooding back to him, and instantly began digging downwards to find the chest. He sighed in relief but his heart immediately dropped when he opened the chest.

It was empty.

"Wha- huh? I-it was here! It was here right?," Tommy argued with himself while climbing out the hole he dug but when he turned his blood turned cold and he stopped dead in his tracks, paralyzed with fear.

Dream slowly walked towards the shorter boy and stopped in front of him. "Hello Tommy," Dream said sweetly. Tommy knew what he was doing, he was using his caregiver voice. He wasn't going to fall for it. Not again.

"Looking for your things Tommy?," Dream asked placing a hand on Tommys shoulder. "Don't touch me!," Tommy yelped and stumbled back a bit to get away.

"What's wrong darling?," Dream questioned. "Y-you- I- just- STOP!," Tommy was beginning to get more frustrated with himself than with Dream. He hated his stupid brain and his coping mechanism that made toying with him so much easier.

"What's wrong love? Can't talk right?," Dream knew exactly what he was doing and it was extremely entertaining for the psychopath to watch as Tommy grew more frustrated and upset with himself.

"I mean I could just kill you right now, then revive you and kill you again then revive you then kill you again then revive you! It's a fun never ending cycle!," Dream exclaimed, he was clearly enjoying this a bit too much, eagerly watching as Tommy struggled to stay big in the terrifying situation he was put in.

Tommy looked around frantically, looking for a person or house to run to. He knew he could outrun Dream with the condition he was in. The problem was that he was slipping fast and he didn't know if he would have the leg strength while slipping.

Tommy spotted the beacon in front of Phils house not too far away and instantly took off in that direction, screaming out for his father. Dream was right behind him, clearly surprised by the sudden thinking from Tommys end.

"PHIL! PHIL HELP HE'S GONNA KILL ME!," Tommy screamed as he ran past the open gate. He crashed into Phil and clung onto him tightly. Phil looked very surprised and scared at his sons behavior, he knew something was wrong.

"Dad he- he's behind me he's gonna kill me! Dad don't let him hurt me please not again not again not again," Tommy panicked and looked at Phil with tears running down his face and a bleeding gash on his arm from Dream who had managed to hit him while running.

"Tommy what? Who's behind you?," Phil was trying to understand Tommy but couldn't very clearly. "Dream!," Tommy yelled and held on tighter.

Phil got his axe out while holding Tommy and his shield tightly with his other hand. "Tommy he won't hurt you, it's alright mate, I've got you," Phil said.

His comforting words and soft voice plus what he had just been through caused Tommy to finally slip, thankfully Phil knew about Tommys coping mechanism.

" 'm sorry dada, didn' mean to cause pobems," Tommy said, his voice was barely above a whisper. Phils eyes widened and he set his axe in the hold on his back. "Oh Toms no, you're alright I'm here to help you. Dream shouldn't have done that," Phil said calmly, though just his name sent Tommy into another panic attack.

Phil held Tommy close and guided him into Technos house since it's more comfortable and he wasn't home anyways. "Tommy, love, I need you to tell me what he did please," Phil calmly pleaded and Tommy gave in.

Tommy wasn't that young right now so his words were easily recognized by Phil. "He um he hurt me," Tommy said while showing Phil the deep wound in his arm. Phil got to work cleaning it while Tommy continued.

"He manipile mani- man-," Tommy struggled for a good minute before Phil stopped him and let him know that he understood. "he steal 'nd try to be 'm caregivers 'gain," Tommy continued but stopped after the last thing and seemed to shudder a bit.

"What do you mean bud?," Phil questioned. "He uhm calls me nicknames 'nd try to get me to swip," Tommy explained while stuffing his sleeve in his mouth. Phil was pissed that Dream would try to manipulate Tommy through his Headspace and stopped wrapping Tommys arm for a second then continued silently.

"What did he steal?," Phil asked the last question he had. "Axe of peace," Tommy mumbled from around his sleeve.

Tommy continued chewing his sleeve while Phil finished dressing his arm."why no hurt?," Tommy asked when he finally realized that that was supposed to hurt at least a little though he didn't feel anything.

"I splashed you with a potion before I started while you were distracted little prince," Phil answered then booped Tommys nose and watched with a smile as he giggled.

After about thirty minutes of the two just chilling in Technos house Tommy sat himself next to Phil and curled up. He wouldn't admit it out loud but he was extremely exhausted.

Phil already planned on telling Techno what happened so he figured it would be easier to just be there when he got back.

Phil rearranged Tommy so his head was on phils shoulder and began softly petting the youngers head to lure him to sleep.

Phil knew that Dream getting out of jail would surprise and even scare Tommy but he was not expecting this nor was he expecting the former caregiver to abuse Tommys coping mechanism like that.

He could deal with dream later though because right now he was going to savor every moment he got with his son.

A/N: two chapters in one day pog. This was inspired by Tommys recent lore stream and because of how when Dream spoke to Tommy his voiced seemed kinda parent-y? uh anyways remember to eat, drink water, and get lots of rest love you guys <3 -A

word count: 1107

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