babies first cgs (Niki)

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Little: Niki (2)
Cgs: Eret, Elaina

Tws/Cws: Holding back regressing, involuntary regression, panicked little, crying scenes (they're happy tears dw).

Requested by: @genderfluid_galaxies

Niki paced in the guest bedroom she'd be staying in for the next week. She had never stayed at another persons house before and she was extremely anxious.

She didn't want herself to ruin anything and she definitely didn't want to bother Eret with anything else considering they had been nice enough to let her stay while she was visiting.

So at the moment she was pacing and trying to hold off her regression as best as possible. Some would say sleep would be helpful considering it was now one in the morning but if she fell asleep she knew she'd wake up little.

She was brought out of her dazed state when she bumped into the table next to the bed, hitting her stomach pretty hard on the wood.

She wasn't worried about her stomach though, she was more worried about the loud noise the table made when it hit the wall.

"Niki?," Erets voice rang out from the other side of the bedroom door along with a soft knock. Niki backed up slowly and fell back onto the bed, she was now half in littlespace and very much panicking.

"Niki, are you alright in there? I'm coming in," Eret, worried for their friends safety, opened the door slowly and peeked into the room.

Niki was sat on the bed with her back against the wall and her knees hugged against her chest, her eyes were teary and her face was panicked.

"Niki? Are you okay?," Eret rushed to Nikis side and placed a hand on her lower arm.

" 'm sorry! Didn' mean ta make noise!," Niki began to ramble apologies and Eret shushed her softly.

"It's okay Niki, really I didn't mind the noise one bit, I need to know if you're okay though," Eret sat on the bed next to his friend, they now had a suspicion that she was a age regressor.

Eret had their fair share of experience with littles considering Elaina is a flip (little and cg) and Fundy was small from time to time.

" m' 'kay, just sweepy," Eret smiled down at Niki and tapped her shoulder softly.

"How old are you feeling Niki? And are you okay with nicknames?," Eret asked one Niki looked up at them.

Niki raised two fingers and nodded her head. "Alright angel, come with me," Eret lifted Niki up with no struggle and carried her to their room.

"Laina we've got a little here with us," Eret announced once they stepped into the room. "Ooo yay! It's been forever since Fundys been here last and I'm baby starved," Niki giggled at the last comment and both the caregivers hearts melted.

"C'mere princess," Elaina called the little over to her when she was set down on the bed. Eret had left the room and went to make a bottle for her.

Niki crawled over to Elaina and sat in front of her. "You're so cute lovely!," Elaina tickled Nikis side gently and the little giggled and flapped her arms slightly.

Elaina giggled at the stim since Eret did the same one usually when they were given affection.

Eret returned not too long after leaving with a warm bottle of milk and, after handing the bottle to Elaina, they began searching in the closet for the extra little stuff they had stored in a box somewhere.

Elaina situated Niki so she was laying on her similar to how a actual baby would be laid for feeding time and began to bottle feed her, Niki could do it herself but she had never had a caregiver before and she quite enjoyed the affection.

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