Request Page! - Da Rules

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Hellooo~! Welcome to my 200 followers special book! An open-request Limentio/Dimigi one-shot book! :D

Feel free to make as many requests as you'd like! However, if someone makes their 1st request, I'll try and prioritize it over someone's 3rd request. ^w^

That being said, I'm open to almost anything request-wise! :D

I'll do alternate timelines on SPM (before, after, during a different game, etc.)

I'll take writing prompts (like from Pinterest, etc.)

I'll take AU prompts (Ex: Genderswap, Roleswap, etc.)

I'll take picture prompts (a story based on a picture)

Aaaaand I'll even take prompts based on stories I've already made! (Ex: my full-length stories, my AUs, my one-shots, etc.)

Heck, I'll also do one-shots about my stories that haven't even been made yet if that's what you request! (Assuming ya have a good prompt for it-)

However, while this may seem very open, I do have a FEW stipulations...

I will NOT do ANY Lemon. >:0

I will NOT do anything that is intentionally unhealthy/abusive. -'m'-

And I will NOT do anything that is just an unnecissary sad ending. >:(

While this may seem "mean", I will elaborate:

I am "ok" with anything up to Lime, but only if it's for the plot!

I am "ok" with violence/gore/etc., but only if it's for the plot!

I am "ok" with having a sad ending, but only if it's for the plot!!!

If there are any more questions, feel free to ask me either here or in my private messages! ^w^

That being said, BRING ON THE REQUESTS!!! >:D

I'll accept requests here, on my profile tab, and also in my private messages! ^w^

(I will give credit to the people who give the request, unless you opt to not be mentioned. -w-)

Let the ships BEGIN~! :D

Limentio/Dimigi One-Shots!  {Requests: Open!}Where stories live. Discover now