Camp Out (Limentio)

180 7 254

Dimentio × Mr.L

Prompt: Mr.L heads out to test his new creation, Brobot, before the heroes arrive to battle him in space. Dimentio tags along out of curiosity only to accidentally cause Mr.L's robot to malfunction, stranding both of them in deep space.

Requested by GreenThunderMrL.


Dimentio stood amid a large garage, his neck craned back almost as far as he could make it go to catch a glimpse of the top of the robotic Goliath in front of him. The bells adorning the tips of his gradient-colored purple jester cap jingled ever so slightly as he tilted his head to and fro. He had no idea what he was looking at, but he had an inkling of a feeling that it was designed to look like a head at the very least. Besides that, he didn't understand much about it. All of the gears, cogs, and machinery bits were out of his wheelhouse.

The jester picked his feet up off of the ground and floated around the giant machine, trying to look for anything that made a lick of sense to him. Dimentio noticed the hatch in the top where someone was meant to climb in, but besides that, he had no clue how the thing worked. He was even more perplexed over the fact that this thing was supposedly meant to be mobile.

"Curious... Seems to be overall excessive, but who doesn't like a good showman?" Dimentio commented with a smirk. He was a tad excited by the possibility of another entertainer on the team.

Dimentio was currently attending to one of his "projects" that he had informed the Count he was working on. His "To-Do List" consisted of mainly acquiring Floro Sprouts as a failsafe and prepping Dimension D for the end, however, there was one more thing he needed to do.

As of late, a new higher-ranking minion had been introduced to Bleck's team. He hasn't been officially inaugurated yet, but he made his presence known to anyone within earshot. Dimentio was, ironically, the last of the main three minions to meet the newbie, but he's definitely been the most interested in him and his background. Now that Count Bleck was enlisting HIM on his first-ever mission, it was time for Dimentio to watch him in action. After all, he needs to see what he's dealing with strength-wise for future reference.

"Mm... Well, while the man in green excels in building contraptions like these, he doesn't seem to put much afterthought into cleanliness..." Dimentio mused as he wiped a trail of grime from the metallic surface of the bot with his glove.

The jester hardly flinched as the hanger door to the steel-lined garage slammed open behind him. Dimentio turned himself around with an amused smile on his mask as he glanced down towards the new arrival. Standing in the mouth of the garage with a wrench and Shroom Shake in hand was the new recruit who made the robot.

"Mr.L," Dimentio simply greeted with a slight nod.

Dimentio only continued to float there as the newbie, AKA Mr.L, growled under his breath, a scowl forming on his half-masked face. The new recruit slammed his fist against the button to shut the garage door, but his narrowed eyes never left Dimentio as the loud door muddled their hearing for the next few moments.

"What in Grambi's name are you doing in MY hanger?! You better not be messing with my precious Brobot!" Mr.L shouted up at him.

The jester hummed in response, turning back around to face the robot again. Dimentio held his masked chin in thought as he gave the machine another look.

"You call this thing 'Brobot'? My, my... A tad odd to place so much emotional attachment onto this mechanical mess when it's designed to go into battle, ah ha ha," Dimentio replied.

Limentio/Dimigi One-Shots!  {Requests: Open!}Where stories live. Discover now