Aesthetic Usernames
Rare words
⌗Agelast : a person who never laughs
⌗Sciamachy : a battle against imaginary enemies; fighting your shadow
⌗Peristeronic : of or relating to pigeons
⌗Alpas : to become free
⌗Eunoia : in rhetoric, it is the goodwill a speaker cultivates between themselves and their audience, a condition of receptivity.
Book Titles
⌗Crisis of Lust
⌗Ecstatic Introversion
⌗Amate : to terrify
⌗Whisper of Glass
Vocabulary Enhancer
ꗃ・Type: adjective
ꗃ・Origin: Latin (pendere)
ꗃ・Meaning: engaged in, involving, or reflecting deep or serious thought⌗[UBIQUITOUS]
ꗃ・Type- Adjective
ꗃ・Origin- Latin
ꗃ・Meaning- being present everywhere at once⌗[CLANDESTINE]
ꗃ・Type: adjective
ꗃ・Origin: Latin (clam)
ꗃ・Meaning: kept secret or done secretively, especially because illicit⌗[PIOUS]
ꗃ・Type- Adjective
ꗃ・Origin- Latin
ꗃ・Meaning- having or showing or expressing a reverence for a deity⌗[ACQUIESCE]
ꗃ・Type: verb
ꗃ・Origin: Latin (ad—quiescere)
ꗃ・Meaning: accept something reluctantly but without protest
Recherché | Your Ultimate Word GUIDE☕︎
De TodoEver been conflicted about your vocabulary or choice of words? Recherché will be your ultimate word guide! With book titles, aesthetic usernames and rare words to vocabulary enhancer! We got it all! Hop in the world of words to explore more!~ 𝙽𝚘�...