Aesthetic usernames
Rare words
⌗Clairvoyant : A person who claims to have a supernatural ability to perceive events in the future or beyond normal sensory contact.
⌗Psithurism : The sound of the wind through trees.
⌗Gerrymander : Divide voting districts unfairly and to one's advantage.
⌗Obelus : The symbol of division in maths.
⌗Tittynope : Scattering of crumbs left on the plate.
Book titles
⌗Verena : To fear, to respect.
⌗Ná æta : [mythology, folklore] a ghoul; [a spirit said to feed on corpses]
⌗Soilleir : Bright, clear, distinct and explicit.
⌗Nefelibata : One who lives in the cloud of their own imagination or dreams.
⌗Atonement : Making amends for wrong or an injury
⌗Resonance : The quality in a sound of being deep, full and reverberatingVocabulary Enhancer
ꗃ・Type : noun
ꗃ・Origin : Japanese
ꗃ・Meaning : the glow on a river at dusk.⌗[NEFARIOUS]
ꗃ・Type : Adjective
ꗃ・Origin : Latin
ꗃ・Meaning : Wicked or criminal⌗[COGNITION]
ꗃ・Type : Noun
ꗃ・Origin : Latin (cognoscere)
ꗃ・Meaning : The mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses; a perception, sensation, idea, or intuition resulting from the process of cognition⌗[EUNOIA]
ꗃ・Type : Noun
ꗃ・Origin : Greek
ꗃ・Meaning : Beautiful thinking, a well mind⌗[SAUDADE]
ꗃ・Type : Noun
ꗃ・Origin : Portuguese
ꗃ・Meaning : A nostalgic state for longing for something or someone absent
Recherché | Your Ultimate Word GUIDE☕︎
CasualeEver been conflicted about your vocabulary or choice of words? Recherché will be your ultimate word guide! With book titles, aesthetic usernames and rare words to vocabulary enhancer! We got it all! Hop in the world of words to explore more!~ 𝙽𝚘�...