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Today was the big day. You just recently graduated from Starfleet Academy, and now you're expected to be stationed on the U.S.S Enterprise. Knowing the history of this ship, you're very excited to be stationed there. It's like a dream come true. You will be working as the Chief Science Officer, meaning you will be in full control of the Science Division on the ship.

The Captain, Captain Jean-Luc Picard, has ordered you to make way to the bridge as your first stop, seeing as you're mainly going to be a Bridge Officer. So, it will be best to know all of the others who will be working there, as well.

When you finally made your way to the Turbo-Lift, your nerves were getting the better of you. Normally, you were able to control your emotions pretty well, but they were definitely out of your control right now. I mean, who wouldn't be nervous if they were being stationed on the Enterprise?

As the doors finally opened, you felt like your heart was going to bounce out of your chest. You stepped out of the Turbo-Lift and observed all of your fellow crew members. It honestly felt like an out-of-body experience, seeing all these different types of people, all whom you'd be working closely with for a very long time.

You were snapped out of your thoughts when you heard someone calling your name. You turned to see the Captain making his way towards you. Oh my god, Captain Picard was standing right in front of you, talking to you, and you honestly couldn't believe it.

"Lieutenant L/N, welcome aboard." The Captain greeted you with a handshake. "Thank you, Captain. I am just so glad to be here, of course."

"I'm glad you're here as well, L/N, I have heard all about you and your time at Starfleet. I hope your reputation will uphold you, and you will be a great Chief Science Officer, as I have expected." The Captain stated, putting you under much more pressure than you already were under. But, then again, that is kind of his job.

"Of course, sir. I hope I don't let you down, either. But, clearly, I know I won't." You said, in full confidence. "Great to hear. Now, you best go on and meet the rest of the bridge crew. These are going to be the people you work with, after all." The Captain gestured to the other people in the room. "Oh, of course, Captain." You nodded as you walked off.

The first girl you walked up to was wearing a yellow uniform, with short blonde hair. "Ah, hello, you must be Lieutenant Yar, correct?" She turned around and smiled. "You're right, and you are?"

"Lieutenant L/N." You replied with a warm smile. "Oh, how did I not recognize you? I've heard so many stories about you, I'm sure everyone here probably knows you as well."

"Oh, well thank you, Yar, I'm glad you recognized me, I'm not so great at introductions." You stated honestly. "Don't worry about it, as I said, I think everyone will recognize you here. You were quite popular at the Academy. And, by the way, feel free to just call me Tasha."

"Alright, Tasha, it was really great to meet you. I'm excited to be working with you in the near future." You smiled. You knew Natasha Yar was a pretty nice person, and you hoped that you and her would make good friends.

You walked over to the next person you saw and instantly recognized them as well. Of course, you did your 'studying' on your fellow crewmates before you came on the ship. Not to mention, all of these people were just about as recognizable as you were.

"Excuse me, Lieutenant Worf, is it?" You asked as you approached the Klingon. "Hm? Yes, that's me." He replied. "Oh, great! I'm Lieutenant L/N, it's great to meet you." He nodded as he turned back around to what he was doing. Well, honestly, you didn't expect him to be the conversational type.

You made your way to the next person, and despite only talking to two people, these introductions already started to feel repetitive. You weren't used to introducing yourself to people often, as, at Starfleet Academy, almost everyone always recognized you just by hearing the name. However, your social battery also tended to run out quickly, so having to introduce yourself to multiple people was more than a hassle for you.

As you walked up to the next person, you were relieved to see a familiar face, seeing as you wouldn't have to introduce yourself again. "Counselor Troi! It's so great to see you again." You cheerfully greeted the Half-Betazoid. "Oh, Lieutenant L/N, it's good to see you as well." She smiled and gave you a friendly hug. You knew Deanna from the Academy, as well as from childhood. Your father served at Starfleet and was a friend to her father, meaning you have practically known Deanna since her birth.

Deanna was truly your only friend at Starfleet. She was also one of the nicest people that you knew. "I heard you're going to be the Chief Science Officer, correct?" Troi asked. "Yes! I'm so excited, it was honestly my dream job, if I had to choose just one."

"Aw, I can feel your excitement, it makes me happy as well. We should really catch up later, after our shifts." Deanna suggested. "Oh, of course! I'd never turn down an opportunity to hang out with my best friend. But for now, I've gotta go greet the others. Talk to you later?"

"Well, good luck. I know you're not one for introductions." She said, giving me a type of 'good luck' smile. You'd swear having a Betazoid best friend is absolutely the best thing in the world.

As you walked towards the next person, you didn't seem to recognize them, although you swore you knew everyone that was going to be on the bridge alongside you. They were wearing a yellow uniform that seemed almost like the same color of their skin? Nonetheless, you were going to introduce yourself anyway.

"Excuse me?" You tapped the person on the shoulder and they turned around to you. "Hello! It's nice to meet you, I'm Lieutenant L/N, and you are?" You introduced yourself to the unrecognizable person. As you got to see their face, you realized that this was no human, just by their features. But you couldn't exactly put a finger on what species they were. This was a bit odd, seeing as recognizing people was quite literally your specialty. However, you decided it would be best for the person to just introduce themselves before you jumped to any conclusions.

"Oh, Hello L/N, I am Lieutenant Commander Data. It is a pleasure to meet you too." He replied. Although even hearing his voice, you really could not seem to recognize who or what this person was. You thought to simply ask the question yourself, but that seemed a bit too rude to ask when you just met. You decided to just drop it, and maybe just ask Counselor Troi later on.

"Might you be the same L/N that the others aboard the ship have recognized from Starfleet Academy?" Data asked. "Oh, yes, I am." You smiled. "Odd, how come I have not heard of you before?"

"Oh, uh, I'm not sure. I don't really expect every person to be able to recognize me that easily, or ever have heard of me in the first place." You shrugged. "Can I ask why it is that others recognized you?"

"Well, I was very popular during my time at Starfleet. Most people knew me because of my intelligence, I guess." You stated, not wanting to seem like you were bragging or something. "Intelligence of what?" Data questioned, again. Gosh, this guy really is curious. "Well, I'm an astrobiologist. I studied extraterrestrial life forms. And, well, I'm pretty good at it."

"Oh, I wonder why I have not heard of you before, then." Data thought as he looked down. "Well, at least now that we're working together, you can learn more about me!" You smiled cheerfully. "But um... sadly, I have to go talk to others. But, I'd love to talk to you later!" You waved goodbye as you made your way to the next person.

In all honesty, you just wanted to stop being asked so many questions. 

After speaking to a few more people, you finally introduced yourself to everyone on the bridge, although most people did seem to recognize you, which was good, seeing as actually introducing yourself to people was not your strong suit. And, now that you were done with that, it was time for you to check out your station on the bridge.

You headed over to Science Station I and tried remembering just how everything there worked. Of course, you knew how everything was supposed to operate, seeing as you literally went to school for this, but you just wanted to make sure, in case anything changed from the last time you used a science station. Which was... only a few days ago, but nonetheless, anything could change at any moment.

After figuring out how to use everything, which wasn't exactly 'figuring out' seeing as it was all the same, you stood at your station and sighed. Truthfully, you were still so shocked about how you even ended up here. When you first received your orders and realized you were going to be assigned to this vessel, you were over the moon excited. Today was almost like the best day of your life.

So, that meant it was official, you were finally starting your new career upon the U.S.S Enterprise, and this time, it seriously wasn't a dream. And you could hardly wait to begin your first mission. 

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