Chapter V.

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It was another few days after the last incident. And although these haven't been the best few days, they were at least not horrible. You spent most of your time with Riker, seeing as, although he was very annoying at some times, he also knew how to make you feel better about your current miserable life.

You were, as always, on the bridge, doing what you always do. As the Captain and Riker were talking about the plans for today. You were heading to a planet called Astra II, which inhabited humanoid-like species.

The reason for this visit was because there was a large dispute going on between two colonies on the planet, and they requested transportation from the Enterprise. Apparently, some juicy drama happened and some members of one colony had to immigrate to a different planet, so that they could, well, avoid war from happening.

You loved being a science officer for the main fact that, if a new species was boarding the ship, you always were the first to be told. So you could learn about them, of course. But it also meant that you got to hear all about the drama going on in their lives.

Anyways, let's skip to the part where the colonists actually arrived on the ship. You were standing in the transportation room, as the last batch of people got beamed to the ship. The last group was important due to the fact that the leader of this colony was among them. You wanted to meet the 'leader' in particular, so you could learn more about the colonists' history as a whole. And who better to ask than the one who leads them!

As four more people beamed aboard the ship, you instantly spotted who the leader most likely was. Her outfit was like... ten times fancier and cuter than the others. It was sort of like a 19th-century ball gown. It just wasn't as big and poofy as ball gowns were.

"Greetings, Enterprise, I am Ourania. Thank you for accepting our request for transportation." The lady stepped down from the transporter. "Well, hi! I'm Lieutenant L/N, Chief Science Officer." You shook Ouranias hand.

"This is Lieutenant Yar, Chief of Security, she's gonna escort you to your quarters." You pointed to Tasha. She just nodded in reply. "Well, take me away then!" Ourania smiled.

Tasha took Ourania to the temporary quarters that she, and the rest of the colony, would be staying in, until further notice. You knew that the ship was transporting them to a different planet, however, you didn't quite catch the name of the planet. You were hoping to ask Ourania about it.

When you all arrived at the quarters, Ourania made her way in, and Tasha left to go do... other security people things.

"Well, aren't you going to come in as well?" Ourania gestured into the room, permitting you to enter. You thanked her and went inside. You began asking a bunch of questions relative to Ourania and her colony. You loved to learn any and everything about newfound species and planets.

After a while of you asking tons of questions, someone came to the door. "Oh, come inside, please!" Ourania walked over to the door, to properly see who was trying to enter. To your not-surprise, it was the Counselor. Deanna always checks up on new visitors that the ship has. It is her job, after all.

"Ah, hello, and you are?" Ourania welcomed Deanna in. "Counselor Troi. Just here to check-up on you, and make sure everything is going well." Deanna had her normal, happy-go-lucky smile on. Deanna turned and saw you approaching the two. "It's going great! I'm learning so much about Astra II. Ourania is a great explainer."

"Oh, you flatter me, L/N." Ourania turned to you and smiled. Out of the corner of your eye, you swear you saw Deanna's smile falter. As if something was bothering her about Ourania. "Something wrong, Troi?" You asked.

"Oh, no, not at all." Deanna smiled once more. Ourania raised her eyebrows at Deanna. "Say, before I have to leave this vessel, I'd love to spend more time with you, L/N. But right now, I do have some matters to attend to." Ourania cut in. "If you don't mind..." She trailed off as she pointed to the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2022 ⏰

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