Chapter IV.

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"What?! Where did you even get that from?!- I was just joking when I said that- that doesn't even make any sense anyway!" You got up off the ground and started to walk towards the exit of the Holodeck. "Seeing your reaction, I do think that I was right." Data exited the Holodeck behind you.

"No. You're not right. And how does my reaction make you right? I'm denying it!" You scoffed. "Is it not human nature that, when people are found out or caught on a lie, usually their first instinct is to automatically deny it? That is what you are doing." Data stated. "I'm denying it because it's not true! That's what denying means!"

Data was going to say something else, but you interrupted him. "Why does it even matter? Like, who cares?" You crossed your arms. "I care." Data stated. "Why?!"

"If I am correct, you may have congenital insensitivity to pain. If that is the case, I would like to know." Data was saying this as if it wasn't a huge deal or anything. "A congenital... what?" You shook your head out of pure disbelief. "Congenital insensitivity to pain, also known as congenital analgesia, is one or more rare conditions in which a person cannot feel- and has never felt- physical pain."

You just stared at Data, seriously questioning if this conversation was happening right now or not. Like, is this a dream right now? "Okay. And what if I did? Why exactly does it matter?" You laughed, but more of a 'this is unbelievable' laugh. "Your health matters, and it is important."

"If I did have that... condition, Starfleet would obviously be aware. So... why do you have to know?" You raised your eyebrows and shook your head again. This was so stupid. "I do not have to know. But I would like to. So I can assure your safety."

"My safety? Here's the thing. If I was 'unable to feel pain', like, at all, don't you think I'd be able to keep myself safe on my own?" You paused. "I've been doing it for many, many years." You admitted. "So I am right? You have congenital-"

"...Stop. You don't have to call it that. You know, makes me feel like it's a bad thing. And... it's not, right? It's perfectly normal." You sighed. "I did not mean to sound like that. I am simply using the scientific term." Data tilted his head. "Yeah, whatever. I told you the truth, so you can like... stop talking about it now."

"Does the Captain know?" Data asked. "Or just ignore my last sentence." You said under your breath. "Yeah. Yeah, he knows. Obviously. He's the freaking Captain." You said as you looked back at Data. If you didn't know any better, you might've thought that his facial expression looked pitiful.

"I apologize. You obviously did not want to tell me. That was out of line." Data stated, almost as if he finally realized you didn't want to talk about it. "Yeah, you think?" You said with obvious sarcasm in your voice. "Yes, I think." Data hesitantly nodded. "...That was sarcasm." You scoffed. "Oh."

"Would you still like me to not talk about it?" Data asked. "YES! That is literally what I've been wanting for like the past 10 minutes." You rolled your eyes. "It has not been 10 minutes-"

"So, like, now that you're gonna shut up, I'm leaving. Bye." You turned around and walked away from the Holodeck.

Outrageous. That's what that was. How did he even figure that out? By you not flinching to a slap on the arm? It makes no damn sense.

Of course, he was right, however. You can't deny it. You were born with 'congenital insensitivity to pain', as he calls it. You hated telling people about it. You thought they'd think you were weird, or a freak. You only ever willingly told your close friends, like Deanna. And Riker knew too, he was like your second best friend, from when he and Deanna were married.

But obviously, you had to tell Starfleet about it. It was a medical condition, after all. So that included the Captain. But, he kept your secret for you, and you thanked him for it.

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