Gods , palaces, the Sun and new Life

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Wait. what ?!
A god ?! Zeus ?! Like The King of the gods ?! That Zeus?!
(and my grandfather, apparently , but I decided not to think about that for now ... being adopted by your superpowerful grandfather would be weird)
Ok..."Deep breaths, Percy ...calm down...it's fine..you just met your grandfather who is also the king of all Greek gods...nothing to worry about" My ADHD meanwhile was having a field day .. I always picked up unnecessary details from my rather boring surroundings before , but now ? Before I even replied or stopped gaping at him like an idiot , my brain had already registered the fact that that the lord of the sky , god of justice , the king  of Greek gods had just been strolling through the abandoned highway , wearing an impeccable pinstriped blue suit and almost looked like us mere humans. His eyes however , gave away the fact that he was anything but , they reflected almost the exact condition of the sky and I could even see miniature lightning flashes across his irises as the same happened in the sky above us . There was also a sort of tingling , like the sort you feel when you stand in front of a lot of electric wires , like electricity might reach out and shock you any time... it gave him a sort of palpable danger despite the nondescript appearance of the man.
"Um , Perseus ? Are you okay ? " oh , right , he asked me if he could adopt me ... being the super adaptable suave guy I was , I muttered "Uh-Uhm". "I know this is probably too much information for you to take in all at once , but yes , Greek gods really do exist and your mother is one , though with her hatred of men , I do not know why she sired a demigod." My brain immediately picked up onto the conversation and I agreed , Artemis was known as the maiden goddess. ..but I could not ponder over that as I had to give an answer to the god in front of me . " Well , lord Zeus , first off it's an honor to meet you and thank you for saving me from the monsters and telling me about my parentage...And of course , I really want to accept your offer and would love to accept your offer but shouldn't you consult with your wife before adopting me ? She hasn't been the kindest to your previous children , after all ."
At this Zeus' eyes darkened before he nodded "Ω, όχι, ξέχασα την Ήρα ...you're right , of course , but seeing as I did not cheat on her to have you , she should not have any objection "
"I hope so too , Lord Zeus , and if she does agree , my answer is most definitely Yes. " Zeus smiled and said "Very well. Take my hand , young Perseus , and see your family's palace - Olympus truly has no equal in glory or grace. "

Olympus , central courtyard
Wow. I was speechless. This was the palace my mother lived in ? The palace was gigantic , it made mortal skyscrapers look like tiny huts ! The entire palace was decked in silver and gold with massive archways and pillars all styled after Greek architecture. "Its something, isn't it ?" Zeus asked from beside me. "I think you're probably the first mortal I ever brought here personally." "Oh , um , thank you , Lord Zeus." I replied .. " Yes , now come on , we need to meet my wife , she should be in a good mood right now , she got what she wanted , or rather...Juno did." Zeus muttered the , his voice fading as he reached the end of the sentence. I was excited , sure , but also apprehensive. I mean , I did just learn that the Greek gods existed , and that their king wanted to adopt me .. As we approached another large room , this one decorated with peacocks , I heard a woman singing from inside .
My first thought seeing the Lady Hera was that she looked every bit a queen , standing tall and graceful . She wore a simple white dress , but it shimmered with colours as she moved. My second thought was that she was scary. A lot. As soon as she turned towards Zeus and saw me , the lights dimmed , the singing stopped and Hera's eyes became darker . "Another one ?!" she screeched at Zeus , "You sire two with the same woman ! and now another one!" Zeus shook his head vehemently , " No! he's my grandson , Perseus , son Artemis , and if you agree , my adopted demigod child . Now bow to her highness , Perseus." I bowed respectfully , and said " Lady Hera, it's an honor to see you." She waved her hand at me and smiled " It's fine , it's actually my pleasure to see Artemis' firstborn before the other gods" She turned to Zeus "Of course you can adopt him if he accepts, I'll adopt and bless him too ."
" I accept Lord Zeus , Lady Hera " I said , smiling brightly . " Then let us do it ."
" I Zeus , Son of Kronos , King of Olympus, God of the Sky , along with my wife , Hera , Queen of the heavens , officially adopt Perseus Jackson , son of Artemis as our own." Thunder rumbled somewhere outside the palace and I felt... different..lighter , maybe? Zeus smiled at me. " Done. and now the blessing , of course ." He raised his hand a gust of wind hit me .I felt like I had been struck by lightning ⚡ but not the harmful way , more like the tingling feeling Zeus had spread over me...I felt power , in my body , the inherent ability to command the skies...Then Hera smiled at me and raised her hand as well. " Live well , my son , and become a true hero . Never forget your family and always be faithful to whatever you hold dear." Another windy blast hit me but this one was different, warmer and a sense of peace cane with it. My racing thoughts and feelings slowed down and I felt more...in the moment. " Now , my son , Perseus, tell me your story and how the first son of Artemis came to be.". A chair materialised out of nowhere and I sat down. I told her of everything that had happened, my memory of Artemis , the orphanage, the monsters and meeting Lord Zeus , my father . The word felt strange , father. I had never had one , and I never thought I would , but now here I was , with my adoptive parents, telling them the story of my life .
"It was remiss of Artemis to leave him there. She has the freedom to raise him and she did not , abandoning her family for her pride." Zeus also nodded , "Yes , but we don't have the freedom to raise him so I thought of someone that does and with his skill in archery , it's best that Perseus is trained by him ." Hera smiled , " Very well. Call him , but I don't think he will take kindly to being handed an apprentice." Zeus snickered " He won't defy me , and this child is Artemis' he won't do anything."
I had no idea who they were talking about , and I felt I really hadn't thought this through...I mean yeah , I was adopted , but what now ? Zeus couldn't really raise me , being the king and all .
"Now, " said a sprightly yet angelic voice fro. the doorway , "Now, my young nephew, I teach you how to be awesome! And by the time I leave for my vacation to south Japan in a year or so , you're going to be almost as awesome as me !" Another man , dressed completely in gold , waving his hand at me , which I shook. "Perseus Jackson , lord Apollo" I told him recognising who he was from the stories.
"Oh, none of that .. You're under my care now , call me Fred.." Apollo laughed "Well , dad , I assure you Percy here is in great hands , I've needed a wingman for a loooong time and he's going to be great at it." I smiled at him , his peppy personality actually lifted my spirits "Thank you , Lord Apollo...or Fred . " "Ugh just call me Apollo and I'll call you Perce , got it?" " Yeah , Apollo got it. What now?" "Now , you wave goodbye to Mom and Dad , I bless you and am willing to give you the super training you need." I turned towards Zeus and Hera and bade them farewell as I went over to Apollo , ready to train with him. I smiled , this new chapter of my life seemed to be much nicer than I was used to.

"A/N ...here...another one.. thoughts , anyone?"

Perseus, Demigod of OlympusWhere stories live. Discover now