Apollo's Sun Band - Life

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••••••••••••••••1 Year later•••••••••••••••

"I like the summer ,
Sis says winter's better ,
I still like summer." ...
Both me and Alex groaned aloud , " Dad , come on ," Alex said " It's like you're not even trying with these haikus." Unlike me , who had already given up on Apollo showing any sort of talent towards poetry , Alex still believed his father would pull through , especially as he still went to Japan now and then to learn... Alex Davis , the second member of Apollo's Sun Band , was the second of his children I had saved. Unlike Will Solace , the first one I had saved , who had chosen to stay at camp half blood and pursue healing , Alex had wanted to have adventures and mortal world experiences and had thus joined me .
"Come on , this one was good ... It also has a second part .."
" Oh nooooo"
"Summer comes before ,
her chosen season winter ,
proves I'm the elder" Apollo smiled at us as if expecting applause from that horrifying piece of poetry." Yes, fine, you're improving" I said , mostly to placate him and cause I knew despite pretending to be this stupid , he still was a God , and could easily turn me into a guitar if I said anything bad . " Thank you ! " He smiled and gave a short bow towards us and got up.." Alright it's almost dawn , gotta go to the chariot.. Oh , Hecate , the goddess of magic wanted to talk to me a few days ago.. something about a potential demigod for us.. don't know how she knew , though.. is it ok? "
Alex and I both nodded " Yeah , it's fine , our group wint be biased on godly parents and I think children of the minor gods would actually be better here instead if the crammed cabin at camp . " "K , fine , I'll let you know if she says anything .. you and Alex train properly , ok and stay inside! "
" Bye, dad" Alex told him and he left in a golden flash.. Whenever he had to go , Apollo told us to always stay inside the enchanted tent he had made for our group , which had an arena , archery range and even a swimming pool inside . How ? Godly magic .
Training was always fun , I could shoot an arrow with almost the same level of accuracy as Artemis' best Hunters , which , for some reason , made me feel really proud . I still wasn't the best with a sword , but Apollo often switched into his Roman form and taught me which made me a lot better than the average demigod , yet not as good as expert swordsmen . However , much more interesting were the photokynesis abilities that I had only just discovered . Apollo told me they could be used to bend sunlight and create realistic illusions , although the best I could do with it right now was flashes of light to blind my opponent. Alex was also an archer like me but he could also sing really well and could easily tell when someone was lying. Alex and I practised archery for some time then he went to sleep .
••••••••••••••••••••••••••2 weeks later •••••••••••••
I often wondered about this Great Prophecy Father had told me about , how a child of the Big Three would have to choose between destroying Olympus and saving it. I personally found the wording curious, at least , it said nothing about the world being destroyed , but Olympus would be razed . Father thought that being as I was ,  a child born of Artemis , I might have a part to play in the prophecy, even if I wasn't a child of the eldest gods. Lady Athena , who I thought was really cool btw , said that it would be wiser to have one powerful demigod at least, on our side , seeing as there hadn't been any child of the Big Three yet. Zeus looked a bit flustered by that statement which led me to believe that I had a hidden half-brother or half-sister somewhere. I wondered what would happen if the prophecy came into effect while I was alive , would there be a war ? I remembered seeing Hecate a week ago...
~~~~~~ Flashback ~~~~~~~
"I , Lyra Scott , daughter of Hecate , pledge myself to Lord Apollo's Sun Band , and promise to be loyal to Olympus " Apollo accepted , and I smiled at Lira, the third member of the Sun Band .
when I was sleeping that night , Lady Hecate came to me in a dream and said "Your arrival has changed a lot , demigod . While I am no prophet , I am the goddess of the crossroads and can see foreseeable outcomes of any choice. Till now , most of them pointed to a difficult war and the rise of a formidable foe of the Olympians. Yet , I must also thank you for giving a home to my daughter . Live to be a great hero , Perseus , you have the makings of one already. " I couldn't easily talk in my dream yet I tried to tell her that I could not see anything of the future but would stand with my father and Apollo no matter what. They had taken me in without any prior obligations and I was quite sure that I owed my life to Father , I would have died that day if Zeus had not helped me.
~~~~~~~~~~~~End flashback~~~~~~~~~~
"come on , you're summoned." Apollo told me out of the blue one afternoon.
"But why ? What's happening?" Apollo just grinned and said " You'll have to wait and see , I can't spoil the surprise , it's going to be fun , trust me ." Appearing on Mt.Olympus I was again entrances by the beauty of the great city , it looked like something Athens would have been like at its prime . Father's palace was of course , the largest , and the most flashy thing around.. perks of being a king , I guess. Father and Mother were seated on their thrones when I went in and they both smiled at me . Father said " Perseus, my son , you have done very well , and even Apollo's side project is a very interesting and helpful idea , but now I think it's time to officially introduce you to Camp Half blood and the Greek world at large. Prepare yourself , Apollo and myself shall be going with you where I publicly claim you as my son. We will tell the demigods there that there is a new adopted child of the King of Olympus. You." " Thank you , father , that sounds great." I was ecstatic about finally meeting other demigods and I had heard a lot about the immortal centaur trainer , Chiron. This was going to be amazing ....

( A/N ..Thank you for 400 reads , I can't believe so many people are reading this , I need to take a short break now , cause I have exams...sorry..Again. thank you. )


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