It's turbulent.

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"Sometimes you can't outrun your demons. So you might as well turn around and give them hell. "


"You might not believe me , Thalia , but I am immensely glad to see that you're safe." I didn't respond, but Dad continued on , his voice echoing from the gigantic statue. "Athena had some deductions... I was worried about you." I almost rolled my eyes at him before remembering he was still the King of Olympus , and would probably not appreciate sarcasm."Really? You seemed to be perfectly happy leaving my mother after you were bored with her. You're talking to me properly for the first time now ,after 15 years." " Thalia , I could never stay with know that . I returned once , in a moment of folly , and that led to even more misfortune." " Misfortune?!" I growled at him " Jason , my younger brother , died and you think that was just.. misfortune?" The Cabin shook and I wondered whether I'd been too disrespectful. Then the statue glowed and in its place Dad stood as I'd seen him a long time ago - blue pinstriped suit and eyes that reflected the sky outside. I almost didn't believe it ,he was actually here ! In person!"Dad", I started to say but he interrupted me. "Jason isn't dead." My heart almost stopped. If anyone else had said it , I'd have blasted them with lightning for joking about something like that. "What do you mean he isn't - Mom told me " "Your mother told you a lie to keep you from worrying. Jason was given to Hera , as her champion. I cannot tell you where he is , but I assure you he is safe. " I couldn't believe him..all these baby brother was alive ?! "Why- dad why didn't you tell me ?" I screamed at him . "There are Laws , Thalia... breaking the Ancient Laws has consequences , as King , they are greater for me. I must set an example. Yet , Perseus asked me to talk to you , and I owe him that much, but more than that ,I missed you , Thalia. I do wish I could be with my demigod children, but it's impossible. " I nodded at him .."Yeah , I know ..your kingly responsibilities.." Zeus smiled.."Yes , those.. You know , it's really immortal children always want to do something without me noticing, and my mortal children all want to be noticed..I wish I could do more for you , Perseus and Jason. Unfortunately, all I can do is tell you that I'm proud of you. "
I smiled , but thinking of my mother's death I asked him " Thanks , Dad..but can I ask you something ?" " Yes , of course, daughter." " Do you think if Mom had never met you she'd be alive?" Zeus'eyes darkened but I didn't think he was angry...he looked melancholy.. "Perhaps, Thalia , but then again, something else might have led her to my brother's Realm. If it was her Fate to die that day, nothing could have prevented it. Even I do not know what the Moirai have planned."
Yeah , he was probably right , I thought...besides ,no use thinking of what could have been. " However, Thalia , know this - I do not wish that I had never met Beryl Grace , because if I hadn't - I'd never have had you." That brought a smile to my face . " Thank you , Father." Zeus smiled too , his form fading away "Good night , daughter. Be well." "Good night , Dad " I told him as I went to bed.


"Thalia?" I groaned , staring at her hazy outline in front of me. "What're you doing here?" "Chiron said you should be awake soon. And I wanted to warn you to not do something stupid like that again." I laughed. "Thanks , I'll try ." "How're you feeling?" she asked me. "Like I was tossed into Lady Hestia's hearth for a few hours , instead of Ares' flames , so ..better."
" So , This is where all demigods stay , then ? Elysium on Earth ? " I wondered whether I should tell her about Camp Jupiter but decided against it.. secret for a reason..." Pretty much , yeah.. What did you think ? " Thalia laughed " It's great.. Feels good to finally be around more people that understand what I'm going through, and have the same problems themselves.. telling a mortal about monsters is torture. Even the creepy stares at me decreased this morning." Oh , yeah.. the child of Zeus thing.. she probably had it worse , being Father's biological daughter and all that ." Don't worry, they mean well." I slowly got out of the bed and stood up "What time is it ?" "Almost noon," Thalia informed me , "Me and Luke wanted to check up on you last night , actually ,but Chiron wouldn't let us." It felt nice knowing they cared that much. Arguing with Chiron was super-stressful. " So where's Luke?" Thalia grimaced " Ares Cabin won't let him leave the Arena. They're a bunch of brutes ." "Ares? " Now I was confused " I thought he was a son of of Hermes?" " Yeah , he is..but apparently he has some natural talent with swords , so he's being kept at the Arena to train. Hermes claimed him pretty fast , actually."
Huh. Mark and Clarisse thought Luke was good ? He had to be pretty impressive for that. They didn't give compliments easily.
Glad to finally get out of the infirmary , I walked out towards the Big House to inform Chiron I was fine. Or well- I tried to. I stumbled. Embarassing. Thalia had to catch me. Very embarassing.

Perseus, Demigod of OlympusWhere stories live. Discover now