Beneath the Pagan moon , one more prey dies today

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(′′′′′′′′ A Few Days Later ′′′′′′′′)

I woke up , grateful that my sleep had not been disturbed by unpleasant dreams. While some of my dreams were prophetic, thanks to Apollo's blessing, they usually just showed me fragments of a possible future , according to Apollo and I had no desire to risk my peaceful nightly rest for that. There was also the matter of the dreams being somewhat terrifying. I flexed my right hand , fingers brushing the ring Father had given me as a gift. I knew I'd need it soon. Today was the day we were going to leave Camp Half Blood , and despite having stayed here for only a few weeks I realised I would miss the safety this place offered. I hoped I hadn't gotten sloppy during my time here... The monsters in the outside world definitely wouldn't consider my lack of practice while trying to kill me. I packed two sets of extra clothes into my questing bag, while checking that I already had enough Ambrosia, Nectar , water bottles and protein bars. "Only one half-blood returns withal, to Fate's prize the sky shall fall. "
The ominous words of the prophecy kept echoing in my mind , even though I tried to push them away. Apollo would be disappointed, he always advised me against overthinking prophecies. I suppose the reason for my nervousness was that this was in a way my first Quest, too. Earlier , it had just been some god asking me to do stuff. No Oracle-given prophecy there...
I spun my ring reflexively , turning it into a sword. It was fine. Perfectly balanced , with the grip made specially to fit my hand.
As I walked out of Cabin One, I wondered when I would return here and next see it. Outside the sky was gray, which surprised me. I hadn't heard of anything happening which would put my Father in a bad mood. I didn't see Luke or Thalia anywhere , so I decided to wait for them at Half Blood Hill. Argus was waiting for me there, beside a white "Delphi Strawberry Service" van. As I approached him, however , he shook his head and pointed towards the Big House. "Yeah , I know Chiron isn't here, but I have a quest today - we'll leave soon anyway." He kept on shaking his head while all his hundred eyes pointed towards the Big House. Frustrated , I groaned aloud and walked towards the Big House.
I could hear Thalia shouting something as I approached and wondered what had happened.
"Hey Chiron could you -" I stopped. Apollo and Dionysus were seated beside Chiron and they all looked grim. The wine guy didn't look like the mortal Mr D anymore.
Thalia and Luke were also there , grumbling about something. "Percy, you cannot leave now." Apollo began. "A Titan we had long presumed to be dealt with has escaped his prison and we don't know how." My stomach sunk. A Titan? They were the immortals who had ruled Earth in the Age before the Olympians. I didn't know much about them, but I knew they were all locked in Tartarus, an inescapable prison beneath the Underworld. "But they're in Tartarus - how could someone" Dionysus interrupted me , snickering "Not this one , no... He never went to Tartarus , too crafty for that. " He pointed at Luke and Thalia " They should know. Their mortal parents exist because of him. " Now I knew who it was. The Titan of Forethought. Thalia had caught on too. " Promethe-" Chiron silenced her. " Do not invoke his name. In the War, he had been an ally of the Olympians but since then, he has managed to trick them repeatedly. We were foolish to think he would never resurface. "
I mentally went through all the myths I knew about Prometheus. He was , arguably, the most famous Titan. Even the King of the Titans was lesser known than him. Even so, I could not recall anyone who would've helped him escape. Apollo had told me long ago that he had been recaptured after Herakles freed him because he had made plans to make an army to overthrow the gods.
" Who would want to free him? " I asked.
Apollo smiled ruefully, " Lots of people, actually. He's the best strategist anyone can find. Not to mention that as a Titan he also has power and magic to rival the gods. Anyway, Dad doesn't want you to have anything to do with this. Titans are dangerous. Me , Dionysus and Ares are going to track him down ourselves. " I was stunned. A search party of three Olympians ? Just how dangerous was this Titan? "Well, at least I'm out of this hellhole " , Dionysus muttered. Chiron glanced at him and shook his head softly. " Be careful, my lords. " he said, as the gods both vanished in a flash. Luke burst out " You can't just stop me from going on my Quest , Chiron ! I told you I needed to go on this Quest! " Thalia seemed to have calmed down a bit, but she still looked displeased. Chiron glanced at me and I tried to mediate. " Luke, I know you want to go on this Quest but a Titan on the loose is serious." Seeing him about to retort , Chiron added ," The mortal world is always dangerous for your kind, but with a Titan out there, it's doubly so. They may not interfere directly but they can kill you regardless. " Luke shook his head and I was surprised to see tears come out of his eyes. " I need one of those Apples.. it might be too late by the time this Titan is captured. " Thalia stood up and led him out, talking to him softly. " What did he mean? " I asked Chiron. " Luke's mother has an .. illness. It seems Luke hopes the Apples of Immortality will help her, but I have my doubts. The Fates rarely offer a second chance. "
I didn't tell him I was disappointed too. I had been looking forward to successfully finishing this Quest. I thought of praying to Apollo as left, then remembered he was out searching for Prometheus. I decided to spend the day training. I sparred with Luke once , but he didn't talk much. Later, while sparring , Thalia told me they were discussing sneaking out of Camp. " Argus always watches the Hill, Thalia.. and even if we could, it's too dangerous with a Titan out there and some unknown ally of his. " Thalia glared and sparks flew from her hand. I hastily switched my weapon to a spear as I fought off her attack. "I know it's dangerous, Percy! You know what? Being a demigod child out there for years was dangerous too! I survived then , with Luke's help. I can't abandon him now. If you want to stay here, go ahead . No need to risk yourself for us."
Her grip on her spear loosened and the weapon dropped from her hands.
Shoulders slumped , she walked away , as I uncertainly stared after her wondering what I did to offend her.
I didn't see her at dinner, and no one from Hermes cabin could tell me where Luke was either.
Instead of going back to my Cabin, I sat down near the forest and prayed to Artemis , asking her what to do. I felt her presence in the silver moon above me, but received no response. I lied down on the forest floor, tired.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2023 ⏰

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