Chapter 4

451 17 1

Callista Miller

Never knew weekend can be exhausting, my muscles were aching, dark bags under my eyes were the evidence of  sleepless nights spent thinking about the blue eyed boy. Sighing, ignoring the usual hustle, bustle of the school hallway bustling with students I walked towards my first class with bag slung on my shoulder not bothering to stop by the locker solely to avoid Becky , party still fresh in my mind. The class expectedly is empty, desks and chairs in their original places instead of pulled to different sides which soon will happen once the bell rings and students fill the classroom.  Occupying my usual seat by the window, looking outside at the crowded parking lot, my eyes searching for any of the cars belonging to the five delinquent boys or they themselves, switching my gaze up at the bright blue,sunny,cloudless sky when found nothing anticipated ,with the air carrying the fragrance of the flowers invading my nose, touching my skin softly, heat of the atmosphere warming my body, birds flying, noise of the chit chat of students, cars, bikes, bicycle, vehicles nearby fills my ears, but still my mind is thinking something else, specifically someone whom everybody is so afraid of but me, ironic, I fear people who fear him , I wonder will I ever be able to talk to him, meeting him was unexpected and once in a lifetime incident, he attends the school and classes occasionally and most of the time never bothers to sit in a class resulting in a rare chance of us meeting. In a hypothetical situation, suppose we meet, would I be able to profuse my liking to him which is nearly impossible and is as gutsy as bungee jumping , let's assume he hears me then what, will he become my friend or boyfriend, it's unpredictable, he does everything recklessly and randomly, nothing is defined for him, what will he do next no one can tell, his closed off nature doesn't help either, I sigh , it's just a wishful imagination even in which I can't picture him as my boyfriend. The bell goes off pulling me back to reality from dreamland and slowly students come inside, I take out the book and notebook required from my bag on the floor, hoping for Mrs. Benson to come early before Becky can talk to me, I can still feel the anger in the back of my head.


I squeak out, not bothering to turn back to look whom I bumped into and continue running, students looking weirdly at me, between the chattering I can hear feet running after me, almost catching up , voice of Becky calling after me to stop gets nearer and nearer making me move my legs faster although they ache and my chest feels heavy , breaths rugged, after successfully avoiding her in the class I don't want to talk to her however childish it seems leading me to running without a direction in the hallways. Turning my head back to look at how far away she is from me,  suddenly something crashes into me or I colliding with someone, the impact lands me on my butt and the other to trip forward , a wince and groan leaves my mouth, my hands rubbing the throbbing area, Becky comes by my side promptly, she carefully asks me face in a worried frown,

'Are you okay ',

but before any sound could leave my mouth, a voice snarled,

'Who dared to push me ',

looking up my heart jumps to my throat, breath hitching, one of many bullies stands before me and Becky, scowling, gulping down the nerves, my mouth opens but nothing comes out pain long forgotten, he hauls my body up from the floor roughly holding my hoodie and pushes it against a locker with such a force that for a second my eyes see black, my back colliding with the cold, hard metal aches blazingly, metallic taste on my tongue, burning of my lower lip confirms that I accidentally bit it, hissing in pain my eyes open , tongue darting out to lick the bleeding area on my lip.

'Hey! leave her, I said leave her, demented lunatic ! ',

Becky tries to push him away from me but he shrugs her off harshly making her fall on the students standing nearby watching the scene unfold, his friends grasp her back from coming for my rescue, is this it, am I going to get slaughtered like a sheep? by the looks of his evil smirk the wolf before me will definitely eat me alive! It made my throat clogged not even a single word leaving my mouth.He further pushes my body on the lockers behind , it's handle painfully digging in my back feeling my skin sear, my trembling hands clasp his clutching the hoodie around my neck, pushing them away but he doesn't budge instead pushes me harder,pain increasing with each passing intolerable second, hissing, wincing sounds leaving my mouth,

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