Chapter 7

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Callista Miller

I feel him moving with my back towards him, a door opening sound reverberates in now silent room, I shuffle towards it seeing him disappear inside the huge closet. Sighing I grab my bag, picking my phone from the bed , the time was six in the evening already, my whole time was wasted but now I don't blame him cause he was in no shape to do project though the least he could do was inform me about it, for which again he doesn't have my phone number still when I got to his house he could have told the maid to inform me . There is nothing can be done, what happened, happened now, at least he was fine, bleeding stopped thankfully. I was almost caught, I don't even want to imagine myself and my feelings to get exposed , luckily he dropped the topic otherwise I was doomed.

Deciding to leave the house, I chuck the bag on my shoulder meanwhile he comes back wearing a black buttoned up shirt over his black denim jeans looking dapper taking my breath away with his fresh scent just like a recently bloomed flower. My eyes were fixed on his figure moving around his black themed room with literally everything in black, he must like black colour. Turning towards my gawking self, he put across,

'You are leaving'.

I found myself nodding although it felt like he stated not asked. Clearing my throat, I controlled my emotions, moving my head and adducing,

'Tell me for real the next time if you are ready to do the project, I am very well capable of doing it alone if not '.

Hearing no reply after few seconds , I raised my head,stumbling back a few steps in surprise finding him standing in front of me with his phone in hand and car keys solemnly, he remarked in dense voice,

'Are you insinuating, I can't do the same ',

'Of course not, that's not what I meant, seeing you injured and today went in drain I thought it would be best, you know, for you to rest ',

feeling my heart beat in overdrive, I fumbled the words trying my best not to offend him in anyway and at the same time presenting my point. He raised his one brow, asserting,

'Worrying and caring about a stranger no less than a monster is like jumping in fire , either you will home burn marks or turn to ashes '.

Frowning, I took in what he said, trying to figure out the underlying meaning behind his words, one thing was clear he knew I cared and worry about him , was he telling me to stop, but why, not me but someone else still concerns about his well being so there's no point in that, I found myself adding ,

'A monster too deserves tribulations',

taking a step towards me, he stated beholding my eyes,

'It's called foolish to scorch for nefarious',

'For the right person, it's all worth it ',

I don't know from where I got this confidence and guts to speak in front of him whom everyone feared but whatever I said was coming directly from the solicitous part of my heart without a second thought, voicing it out in sincerest voice not missing a single second. His intense blue eyes were boring directly into mine standing so close to me, I can see the wheels in his head turn but he masked his every emotion and feeling. After gazing for God knows how long, he announced,

'I am dropping you home '.

Blinking my eyes, I insisted, not wanting him to trouble himself when he was injured,

'It's okay, I can go by myself , you take rest'.

Although I have to go by subway, not wanting the repeat of every cab driver warning me how dangerous the Delavegas are and I am walking into a starving lion's den, for him to rest I can happily do it. Stalking towards his open door ignoring my apprehension he didn't wait for me and went out. Hurrying after him, I ran to catch up to him who turned the other corner away from the stairs, frowning in confusion I silently followed him to reach a elevator in the end of the hallway. We both rode it down to I guess his garage as I saw him pressing G on the button board in tensed silence.

The elevator doors opened to reveal the luxurious, expensive sports cars to SUVs of branded company lined one after other in unending rows. Mouth agape in surprise, looking around in astonishment , I didn't notice him entering a black Porsche, honking sound coming from my left snapped me from admiring his great unlimited collection of beautiful cars, smiling sheepishly while looking down I go towards the Porsche, opening the passenger side door slowly feeling afraid to scratch or damage the costly vehicle, I sat inside avoiding him. Strapping my seat belt, I felt him speeding the car out of the garage whose door opened and as well as the metal gates of his mansion through the long drive way. This car like his other car was as comfortable as sitting on a soft cushion.

He didn't ask me my address, already knowing where I lived. It felt like deja vu, I was looking out the window and he driving , eyes fixed on the road ahead, but unlike before the atmosphere inside was resembling the evening hue of orange and red of sunset outside, peaceful and hush, although my heart was at unease of his injury, I still embrace the tranquility of the sky engulfing me in its serenity making me feel calm despite my worries. From the corner of my eyes I can see him glancing at me, I paid no mind to it but I was smiling, lifting my mood further which he noticed too , and like he is, he simply drove faster.

Continuing living the deja vu, the car stopped in front of my home, and like last time I removed the seat belt, with bag in my one hand, other opening the car door I intended to step out when he stopped me,


looking at his phone in confusion which he showed to me, I halted. Probably noticing my dubiety he vocalised,

'Your phone number',


feeling embarrassed I took his phone which was unlocked, adding my number I returned his phone back to him, my warm finger brushed his cold one in the process, a shiver runs down my spine along with a jolt of electricity which he likely felt too, retreating his hand back with phone he turned his head ahead, taking the hint I got off the car. Closing the door softly behind me I saw him drive away until I no more can see.

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