Chapter 8

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Callista Miller

The school next day was usual, like a routine I followed through the continuous cycle of attending classes, having lunch break with friends, then taking the remaining classes until the end of the school, but I was anticipating the chemistry class where I would see Ares, but neither him nor his friends came. I was disappointed to the least, the unease and worry in my heart about his well being , his wound, if he was doing okay made me anxious and it increased ten folds with his absence and no news about him. My friends noticed me on edge like a housewife waiting for her husband who has gone for a war. They tried to take my mind off of whatever they deemed troubled me which I was grateful for as I didn't have any answer if they asked me the reason of me behaving like a worry sick wife. I was not sure if they would be happy or horrified after knowing that the taxing of their friend was after the mafia prince with shoulder injury. It was bizarre. Everybody avoid him, fear him, but I'm fretting about him like a sick puppy.

After the school day was over and I was laying on my bed, I contemplated over going to Ares's home. Looking at my phone, I sighed there's no message or call from him or how would I know I don't have his number. Laughing at my stupidity of not taking his number back, I rolled on my stomach on the bed. The anxiety of being unaware of his current condition was gruesome, and was increasing second by second. Groaning, I pulled on my hair, not knowing what to do, I sighed. Several situations ran through my mind like a picture roll, in one he was perfectly fine and purposely avoiding me, in second he was hurting from the pain of his wound and calling for help, it twisted my heart , in other he was fighting with his injury with some goons looking badass, in another he was bleeding but didn't care much and went about his day, it angered me his recklessness and carelessness bothered me that made my heart constrict in concern and made me more unsettled.

The time was currently three in the afternoon, one hour since the school was over but whole day of me daunting over him. Closing my eyes I decided to ignore it but images of him shirtless sitting in front of the dressing table bleeding from his shoulder and trying to bandage it flashed in my head and in an instant my eyes opened. Turning onto my back I stared at the ceiling of my room blankly. Why can't I just stop worrying about him, he would be okay, it's not like he was alone. But he lived alone and nobody was there to tend after him. Maids are not family after all. Well that's what I thought. His friends lived with their families that I knew so and his parents lived in the Delavega mansion on the other side of the city. Was he fine all alone? Or is he in pain which is why he missed school? Uhhhh!! I was going crazy with uncertainty about him. Why? Just why, I can't take it anymore. Getting up, I grabbed my phone and sling bag which had some money I left my room and house locking it behind me. My parents both are at work. The adrenaline running through my veins gave me courage enough to do what I decided and not chicken out, it was for my sanity and peace of my heart. With a deep breath I walked out towards the subway.

Again standing in front of the familiar house with glass walls and flower garden, the adrenaline in my veins was wearing off, replaced by the nervousness. What was I thinking in the first place coming here was surely a disastrous idea. But I can't back off now and I am already here, I will see him then only I will leave. Approaching the guard station beside the metal gate, I stood in front of the window behind which sat the same guard from last time. Unlike before I was granted entry without even opening my mouth and with a small acknowledgement of

'Miss Miller',

the smaller side gate was opened for me. Feeling astonished, I nodded at the guard and went inside. How on earth did that happen, am I welcome here whenever I like, did Ares expect me to come here unannounced and allowed me on his property just like that. I was not his friend to begin with, just a classmate with whom he has to do a project, from where did his trust come to grant my presence in his home where I assumed only his friends come. It was like walking inside a magical house whose king has special kind of leverage on you. I felt special. Like a commoner who was lucky enough to meet the king of the generation whose even a glimpse was like seeing a star once in a hundred years. The happiness that came with the realisation was overwhelming, my heart felt like floating in the air from how light headed I felt.

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