Chapter 20

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Callista Miller

The next morning, the bed was empty beside me. No warmth surrounded me, the feeling of another body enclosing me in their embrace was missing. And I felt lost. Where did Ares go without telling me? Last night was magical, we became one, and I gave him my everything. I thought he would be here. I know, there was no promise of us being together. But I hoped that he would stay with me, hold me, love me. Loneliness ached my body. The soreness that hugged my body in the place where Ares once was heightened in awareness causing a blush to creep up my body. Despite him not being here, his presence is everywhere in my room and in me.

I sat up, holding the sheets wrapped around my torso because beneath, I was naked and my window was open. The wind was languid, the sun was up into a beautiful morning and birds were chirping in the sky. Everything felt serene yet I couldn't help but worry about Ares's unannounced absence. Sighing, I shifted and slung my legs out of the bed to use the restroom when a soft moan escaped my mouth from the sudden pain that erupted from my core. I stilled, feeling empty there and wanting nothing more than it to be filled with Ares. It was embarrassing to have such notions but I couldn't help myself, Ares made love so wonderfully to me that all I could remember was the feeling of him inside me, moving relentlessly and brilliantly, letting me bask in the blissful pleasure.

He is an enigma that I am yearning obsessively. Though I am saddened he left without informing me, I cannot complain about it. I demanded last night that he make love to me, which he did, again--so good that I am ruined forever, he complied as if it was all he ever wanted. It was such a powerful feeling to know someone like Ares wanted me and liked me. My heart fluttered and jumped when the image of Ares bucking into me with such a sharp thrust that I had screamed so loudly I was afraid my parents would hear, but Ares silenced me immediately with a brutal kiss that blackened me out. I cannot remember how many times he got me orgasming. I could feel the satiated pleasure deep in my bones.

Slowly, I got up, enjoying the sore muscles and aches in the right places in my body. After I was dressed in ripped blue jeans, and a turtle neck black striped pullover, I left my room. I was starving. I didn't eat dinner. I did not see my mom after her confrontation. And dad, he did not come to my room. All because DelaVega mafia king chauffeured me in his emblemed car and my feelings for Ares are no more a secret to my parents. I did not want them to see the love bites littered on my neck and shoulders to give them strokes hence the turtleneck. I blushed again, feeling so good that Ares left his marks on my skin. I wanted to proudly wear them but I don't want to hurt and anger my parents further than they already are if they were to see these hickeys.

Sitting on the dining table, Mom and Dad were facing each other. They were not eating anything. Cautiously, I approached them and chanced a soft greeting to make my presence known, "Morning." Mom stiffened immediately, she kept her back to me. Dad, though, looked at me, his eyes soft yet empty. It was a sucker punch to my gut. His eyes always hold love, adoration, and admiration for me. I expected to see disappointment, anger, hurt; hell, anything but this emptiness. I was greeted back with silence. It was suffocating, making it difficult for me to breathe. I immediately lost my appetite and wondered if should I just leave? Give them space and time to come to terms with my feelings. Because I am sure as hell never giving up on Ares. Giving in, I was halfway turned to go back when I heard Dad saying firmly, "Sit with us and have breakfast."

My legs felt like sticks moving on eggshells while walking when I finally took a seat at the head of the table, Mom and Dad on my either side. Mom still didn't look at me. I tried to give a small smile to my Dad who passed me the cereals and milk. He did not return any smile. At least he showed enough care if I ate or not, that was relieving.

The air was so thick with tension that I was having difficulty swallowing past the pressure on my throat and chest. And when I was done with the last bite of my breakfast, Dad spoke, "Tell me everything, Callista, the truth from the beginning." There was no denying the anxiety and apprehension churning in my gut threatened to make me dash the next second. But this is necessary. This talk with them would give clarification and answers which was long due. My parents deserved to know and their trust in me was on the line which I had already broken last night by sleeping with Ares.

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