Life Of Lectures

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Life for the lectures is going great! Everyone is getting firsts in their chosen courses. Riley doing Youth studies and English, it was so much harder to keep on track but somehow managed. The hours spent in the library, her room, when she traveled back home. She had to get her work done everywhere.
"I'm glad I've got a course with someone I share a dorm with. You help keep me motivated, and I always get everything done! I don't know how I'd have coped without someone like you, Riley." Morris always wanted to thank Riley for help. He tended to struggle a lot when it came to learning; he was someone that was rather hands on, than someone academic.
"I'm always here to help, with anything. It's nice that we can help each other too. We both have our own ways of learning, and that can help the both of us, and other people. I think that's what helps a lot as well."
"Ay, Riley" Morris running after her before she leaves for her next lecture. "I'd noticed that lad with the tattoos look at you quite a bit, do you talk to each other? do you know him? What's he like? What's his name?"
Riley, smiling and chuckling a bit. "Did you? The lad thats in the shirt? He's lovely, we get a lot of studying done together, his name is Aidan Ricci. He's in the same dorm as my friends, Nikita and Vanessa. He's a good lad. We get a lot of work done together. Dorm troopers will have to meet him; he'll fit right in. I need to run to my English Lecture. I'll meet you all for dinner tonight." Riley is practically walking while talking. She hates being late, anywhere.
Ive never seen Ryan so protective; I guess spending so much time with him, and doing a lot together, it would make sense not to be, right? It's what friends are for isn't it?
9am lectures weren't for everyone, most of the time Francesca were late, but somehow managed to never get behind.
Logan, always managed to be early, but we're never to get his deadline on his work finished. "Please just let me have another week Pete? I've nearly finished." He was always begging for extra time to get things done. "I'll give you another five days, and if it's not done by then, something will have to happen, you can't keep having a week over your deadline date. You need to sort your priorities right, Logan! Get a friend to help, or sit in the library with your lecture friends. Don't forget about this!" Pete gets quite annoyed when he sets deadlines and they're aren't done. Thankfully for Pete not getting mad is that Logan does listen and is a good lad, so he can't complain. "Thank you Pete, this module just made me struggle a bit." Beamed Logan.
Naomi- the same as Logan- was quite early, depending on what happened the night before.  Her lectures were always finished on time. Her lecture tutor, Rita, was a great help she'd always help where she could and she'd always let her students stay a little extra in class to get finished. Naomi was a top grade student in her class. "How am I doing in class, do you feel like I could be a bit more open about my ideas Rita?"
"Yes, you could be. I think that you're a bright girl; you're definitely one of my top students, and there isn't many I say that about! I'm glad you've chosen to do a teaching degree. Your a pleasure to teach."
"Thanks Rita, I'm glad you're my tutor, I don't think I could've done this without you to motivate me to do well. It also helps that I'm making a few friends with my class mates." Smiling back to Rita.
"That's nice of you to say! Anyway, I've got to go, meetings i don't want to attend too! Enjoy your night. Please get your work finished." Rita sped off before Naomi could answer.
For Jack, was never on time. "If you're going to be late, might as well get food on the way, and be extra late, right?" Was his saying. I don't know how he does it and still manages to get his work done on time.
Molly was always working on her studies. With her studying special effects, we as a dorm group never really seen her much. Although working with special effects, this could take months to finish. How she does this for hours and keeps concentration baffles the group. Molly's deadlines are longer than everyone else's, so that's a great help for her. With them being longer, she's loving that she can get something done and tweak it when something isn't right. Molly can't have one thing wrong with anything. It's all got to be precise and just right. Molly always asks for advice from everyone. Her tutor must get annoyed by this. "Now you've watched what I've created, how do you think i should go about editing this to be more realistic, Paul?"
"You could go into the green screen room, film something and put it into this, or do a little stop motion animation bit to add into it. Although you'd might like the more realistic route, sometimes it's nice to have something that's just that little bit different that most. I know how hard you work, and when you've finished your design, they're great; and your short movies are great to watch, but always think of something that could be different to what you normally do." Molly takes in every bit of advice that both her lectures give her. Paul is for the movie side, and Trina is for the make up special effects side, which is why she gets longer on her modules to finish them. She's excelling in both of her classes.
As for Riley. There's not much I can say. She's never behind on anything. Her work is done, she's at lectures early, or on time. She's always helping, always listening, she's a great student to teach. Hopefully she can keep up with this with studying English and her Child and Youth Studies!

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