Mystery Man, Mystery Lover

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"AFTER ALL THIS TIME, YOU HID YOUR IDENTITY FROM ME?! WHY'D YOU LIE?! DID YOU NOT TRUST ME?! WHAT DID I DO?! DID YOU PRETEND TO LOVE ME TOO?! WAS THIS ALL JUST A GAME TO YOU? I guess it was... And I'm guessing I'm just another player that looses huh? I can't believe you. I trusted you with everything and now..? Now I don't even know you..."

I should probably start from the beginning or you won't understand. Hi my name is Veronica. Everyone calls me Ronni though. My favorite colors are purple green blue and pink. My hair is brown light brown in the sun and regular brown in the dark. I have hazel eyes. I have straight hair too. I have a older brother named Michael. My best friend is Samantha Marie Sommers she's an only child and lives with me at our house. She has dark brown hair but it's curly. We both used to wear glasses but we wear contacts now we wear the hipster glasses all the time though. We are both models so we have some fans but we don't get mobbed. We really aren't that famous though. Like I said, some fans. We both love One Direction, Justin Bieber, Little Mix, and much more. I do singing, dancing, acting, and writing. I'm a busy 18 year old. Well I was... Until I met him... I'm not there yet though, so just hold your horses and sit back, relax, and enjoy the story of my life.

The day started a little like this...

"C'mon babe! We're going to be late" I swear if she yells at me one more time I will cut her Harry pillow! "HEY I HEARD THAT!" "What?! I didn't say that out loud!" "Babe just shush and get in the car!" She yelled at me once again. "BAAAAAABE IM IN THE DAMN CAR HURRY UP AND GET YO SMALL FEET IN THE CAR WERE GUNNA BE LATEEEEEEEEEE!" I yelled back. That little butt is so slow! But I love her. We got in the car and plugged in my iPod. 'Oath' by Cher Lloyd came on. We love her too! It is one of 'our songs' as best friends so we started jamming. After about 15 minutes we finally got to our destination. We are supposed to be doing some new clothing line.

We finished up and they said they would send a copy to our house before it comes out. We went to Starbucks then McDonalds. By then it was 5:30 and Sammi decided to drive her black Range Rover back home.

When we got home we went directly on twitter. The both of us. Right next to each other. Tweeting each other. Why you ask? Because we are THAT awesome! "OH MY FUCKING OREOS AND PICKLES AND PEANUT BUTTER AND EVERYTHING THAT IS HOLY IN THIS WORLD!!!!!!! ZAYN FUCKING JAVAAD MALIK AND LIAM JAMES FUCKING PAYNE JUST FOLLOWED ME ON TWITTER!!!!!!!! BABE COME LOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed SOOOOOOOO loud! We both started screaming and jumping up and down like little girls. Then her twitter bleeped. "HOLY HARRY'S FOUR NIPPLES AND EVERYTHING THAT IS STYLES IN THIS EXTRODINHARRY WORLD!!!!!! THEY FOLLOWED ME TOO OMH!!!!!!!!!" we were literally crying. "WE HAVE TO CELEBRATE!" We both yelled at the same time! We decided to go out to a carnival that was in town for a week. First though. We would watch a movie! Then carnival, then eat, then sleep. Hehe we eat a lot.

We chose the movie "The Possession" it was okay. Not really scary at all.

After we left the movie we went to the carnival. It was so beautiful. It was noisy but the lights were every where. So pretty. It was almost magical. I grabbed Sammi's hand and dragged her to the first ride I saw. It was a spinny thing. We were screaming our lungs out. After that ride I was super dizzy. "I'm glad we didn't eat before we came here." Sammi and I said in unison. We looked at each other weird and laughed really loud. Then we stumbled around going to our next ride. I accidentally bumped into someone. He was wearing a black hoodie and some Ray Bands. "Oops sorry..." I mumbled then I fell flat on my butt. I'm not drunk I swear. Just dizzy. "Here let me help you up." He said in a cute accent. He was trying to do an American one so it sounded funny. I probably have a British boy in my hands right now.

I saw Sammi with a boy with curly blonde hair and blue eyes. He was cute. And she was being a little whore. I taught her well. My little seed has grown to a whorish slutty tree. Oh the joy and pride I have in that girl.

Then I realized the British boy hasn't left. I think he was staring at me. I couldn't tell with those Rays blocking my view of his eyes. "So what's your name?" He asked shyly. "Veronica. But call me Ronni okay?" Then I smiled sweetly towards him. He seemed less tense after my smile. Then he had a small smile. "How about you?" I continued. "My name? Oh uhm... It's uhm... It's... Jason... Yeah Jason." He was being weird now... "Cute name. Wanna go on some rides with us?" I asked pointing to Sammi. "Sure, that's your friend? She's with my friend over there." Then he smiled.

After all of the rides we went out to eat. All of us. Sammi, Jason, Mark, and I. We ate at McDonald's and literally spent $100 on food. We're such fatasses!

"Soooo... It's getting late... Ronni and I have a photo shoot tomorrow early in the morning. Ew. And it's already 1:40. It was really nice meeting you two. Wanna hangout sometime?" "Sounds like a wonderful idea! You want to swap numbers?" Jason suggested then handed me his phone. I handed Jason mine and Mark and Sammi swapped too. Then we went into my purple Range Rover and drove home.

While I was driving Sammi was texting Mark. I could tell by the look in her eye that she really has strong feelings towards him. And that doesn't just happen with her. I was so happy for her. And because of Jason. I noticed though that he never took off his hoodie or Rays. I find that kind of weird. Doesn't matter though. He is such a sweet heart. I think he'll actually be a good friend of mine. Possibly a best friend. Only time will tell.

By the time we got home I was pooped. I set up my bed right next to Sammi's then got my clothes and jumped into the shower. After my shower I cleaned up the living room from earlier and cleaned the rest of the dishes. It was obvious Sammi had already swept and mopped. This is why I love her! We're both slobs but we both clean the house by the end of the day. Not one of us doing the whole thing. We work together without even doing it intentionally. I love this girl so much. This has literally been the best day ever.

Hello! This is my new story I thought of today. I don't have a schedule to write and I'm not sure if ill have a lot of time during the week but I will try to update when I can. I have another story too that you can read if you like this one. The chapters are shorter but there are obviously more chapters. It is also a Niall Horan fanfic. I hope you enjoyed this and please comment what you thought. Was it good? Bad? Too short? Not descriptive enough? Let me know <3 thanks for reading

Lots of love


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