The Magical, Unforgetable First Dates <3

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It's been a couple weeks and we just came back from visiting Ms. Borg and getting smoothies. Ms. B is actually getting better! For the first time in years she is finally getting better! I'm so happy! She might not die! If she gets the transplants she needs she'll live! I don't think I could be any more happy!

"So you and Mark huh?" I asked Sammi winking in her direction. She started blushing a deep red with a huge smile plastered on her face.

"Mhmm. I really like him Ronni. Like a lot! More than I've liked anyone ever! When I see him I just want to hug him, kiss him, be in his arms forever. Its surreal. It was literally love at first sight... I don't even know I think I might... I might.... might love him..." She ranted a look of love clear in her eyes. "We have a date tonight. Help me pick my outfit?"

"OF COURSE! I'm so happy for you Samama! Okay serious question now. If you had to choose Harry Styles or Mark who would you choose?" I asked thinking it would be a hard question for her. I was wrong.

"Mark." She answered immediately.

"It's official. You're in love! Haha okay lets go start getting ready. What time is the date?"

"7. Now how about you and Jason?" She smirked as a blush crept to my cheeks.

"I'm not sure. You know how I am. It takes a lot for me to fall for someone, but I think... I think I'm falling for him..." I smiled and started taking out dresses.

We talked about the boys and how we felt about them and listened to music as I was getting her ready. Right now it is 6:30 and I'm almost done. One last curl to straighten. Done in 3... 2... *Flick*

"I really wish you would stop flicking me when you finish your random count downs in your head babe!" Sammi stated looking annoyed.

"Deal with it. It comes with the package." I smiled brightly and turned her chair so she could stand up and walk to the mirror.

"Oh My..." She gasped "I look beautiful..." She whispered to herself.

"You always do babe!"

"You think he'll like it?" concern filled her voice.

"Of course. It's gunna be a great date okay? Calm down, relax and most importantly BREATH!" I know she's nervous but Mark already loves her, I can tell. I can also tell that she's going to have a great date. She just needs to calm down. I walked downstairs with her trailing behind me. I poured a glass of water and handed it to her. She chugged it and thanked me. We both made our way to the living room and sat down until Mark arrived.

*Ding Dong*

The flat bell rang, loudly and I ran to the door. I looked at Samama and she nodded her head for me to open the door. When I opened Marks mouth fell open and he just stood there. Samama looked down blushing. 

"Ehem Mark...? You're gunna catch flies dude! Close your mouth!" I yelled playfully. "Now I want her home by 11:30 no later do you understand? I swear if she so much as has ONE tiny little scratch/bruise/mark on her I will rip your balls off shove them in your mouth and feed your suffocated body to the hungry dogs and cats on the street understood?!" I instructed very seriously. This is my baby girl we are talking about here. She's been with me through thick and thin and hell will freeze over before anyone lays a hand on her with the wrong intentions. 

He look scared but said "I'm not sure if I can leave her unmarked." Then smirked and winked in her direction. 

I slapped his arm playfully and responded "cheeky bastard. I'm serious though. No BAD marks and home by 11:30 understood?" 

"Yes ma'am. Oh and just to keep you from being bored I brought you a date." Now he was winking in my direction. What could this boy be up to? 

He signaled towards the car and out came a brown shaggy haired boy with familiar brown eyes dressed in grey sweats and a white wife beater. Exactly matching me. Creepy stuff. 

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