1. Prologue

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'Captain, they are all dead! THEY ARE ALL DEAD! You can stop!'

A humanoid mass of blood and gore stood in the middle of the room, in an underground facility, deep below Paris. When it moved, you could vaguely make out from the shape that it was a human, or better, a young man. Every inch of his body was covered in other people's flesh. He was in the middle of a huge cavern full of dead bodies. Some bodies were torn in half while still alive, while others had their heads smashed in and their bones broken. And these were not mere men and women, but trained assassins and hardened agents. Hundreds of them laying all around the huge facility.

'They are dead. We are done here. Let's get out!' the voice said with a concerned tone.

But the young man, who the voice called Captain was alone in this place. Since the voice was only in his mind.

He started moving towards the exit when all the corridors around the cavern were shut closed by titanium bars.

"You have done more damage to this organization than any other enemy combined in the 1000 years of its existence!" a hoarse voice called from the facility speakers. You couldn't tell the gender or the age of the person behind the voice.

The young man stopped.

"In the last 6 months, you have killed more than 1000 agents with your own hands! People you used to call comrades! Sao Paolo, South Africa, Beijing. All the facilities were destroyed and our agents killed. Why Captain A?", the voice followed on.

The young man moved towards the edge of the cavern and touched the bars. He knew it was useless to try and escape.

"You will not talk? Don't worry, you will not die! The facility is surrounded by hundreds of agents, all the corridors leading out of the facility are blocked. Captains B and C, the only two surviving captains, are here to take you in. You have probably destroyed this organization, but you'll not have an easy death!"

The young man heard hundreds of steps in the corridors surrounding the cavern. He knew there was no way out.

'Captain, what shall we do?' the voice in his head shouted.

The young man moved to the center of the facility and took out a device hidden in his boot. He grabbed the two data cables from the main console, connected them to the back of the phone, and put his thumb on the device's fingerprint recognition panel.

[Self-destruct sequence initiated], a robotic voice was heard from the same speakers.

"How? We changed the sequence?!" the voice from the speakers shrieked in panic.

What the organization didn't know is that the young man had infiltrated this facility one month ago and reprogrammed a backdoor to the self-destruct sequence. When he entered the facility earlier this evening, he never expected to walk out alive.

Panicked voices could be heard from the speakers and the corridors all around the cavern.

The young man sat on a plastic chair pressed against the wall. He took out an old broken pocket watch and squeezed his hand. Explosions could be heard from the outskirts of the facility closing in. This self-destruct sequence was designed to keep people inside and not allow anyone to escape, so the central room would be the last to explode.

"It's time to join you, Jon," the young man's hoarse voice was heard for the first time.

'So, this is the end of the road, Captain?'

The young man nodded.

"Do you think we'll see each other in hell, Jon? Do you think we'll get to see the rest of the team?"

But the voice could not be heard anymore. The explosions drew near and a flash of light was the last thing the young man saw.

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