18. Boundaries

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Several people were gathered in the meeting room of the Thanatos mansion. It was a war meeting. The Barony hadn't been in battle for more than ten years -- since the inter-kingdom war with the southern kingdom of Alampra. The atmosphere was heavy. In the last week, the Duke of Argaka went into propaganda mode. He accused Lord Thanatos of rescinding on a deal to settle a debt, killing multiple of his people unprovoked, and killing a priest. The Church weighted in favor of the Duke.

Right now, 10,000 soldiers were marching towards the Barony. It was clear that the Barony should not expect help from anyone. Most nobles either believed the words of the Duke or were too afraid to stand against him.

"So, the Royal Family is staying silent? Brother, let me travel to the capital! I'm certain I can convince them to intervene!" cried Helena. She had black circles under her eyes from the sleepless nights, like everyone else in the room.

"By the time you get there and back, the war will be waging. There is nothing to achieve -- even if they would listen to you, Lady Helena," retorted Shein.

Annette spoke with a broken voice, "This is all my fault. I could go to the Duke and beg-"

"How?" Daniel cut her, "How is it your fault in any way?"

"If the debt of my Father-" tried to answer the girl sobbing, only to be interrupted again.

"How is your Father's stupidity your fault? I don't want you saying that again," insisted Daniel.

Silence prevailed again in the room. The situation was dire.

"Robert, prepare 200 men. Prioritize the ones without a family or children. Tomorrow we march". It was Daniel that broke the silence.

"My Lord, 200 men? The enemy has 10,000 soldiers. We can't..." Shein muttered.

"Would any more make a difference then? That's my order," said Daniel and left the room.

The people looked at each other with heavy hearts. They misunderstood Daniel's intentions. They thought their Lord planned to engage in battle with the minimum number of soldiers and sacrifice himself. Losing an honorable battle would allow the rest of the soldiers and Barony people to be spared. Also, Lady Helena would probably maintain her nobility.

The Captain's true goal, however, was far from a self-sacrificial one. It was one wright with slaughter and carnage. They had attacked his new family; they had killed his people; they made his sister cry.

"If you let lizards do what they want for too long, they end up thinking they are dragons. It's time to set the boundaries," Daniel said.

'Boundaries drawn with blood,' Jon thought and shivered.

He had never seen the Captain so angry. Not even when he lost his entire team back on Earth. Since they arrived in this world, the Captain became more emotional. Back on Earth, everything was calculating and logical, he kept his emotions in check.

'Will he get consumed again? Will he stop or will this world know his wrath?' Jon thought but didn't dare talk out. Even as a ghost, he was afraid of the Captain's fury. A fury that could take down an organization with 1,000 of history in blood and murder.

Daniel moved towards the secret facility at the edge of the Endless Forest. He activated several traps and a final self-destruct sequence. If things didn't go as planned, he didn't want anyone to get a hold of Jon's inventions.

= * =

"Brother, I'm coming with you!" shouted Helena, dressed in a shabby armor -- too big to have been hers.

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