25. Dreams and Nightmares

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"Hi again, child," a familiar warm voice from 4 years ago was heard. The Goddess of Life.

Daniel looked around at the open, endless grassy field but couldn't see anyone. It was like the voice was coming from the air itself.

"Did I die?" the Captain asked.

"No. If you were dead, that insufferable God of Death would be here. It is but a dream," the voice answered.

"I was fighting the beasts. The last I remember, wyverns came. Did the Barony make it? Helena?"

"You did well. You kept the beasts off long enough for everyone to get behind the walls. Your friends survived."

Daniel felt a wave of calmness; all the worries left his mind. They stood in silence. Several moments passed until Daniel spoke first,

"Do you know about this prophecy?"

He might as well take advantage of the situation to gain some information.

"Bringing you to this world created ripples. The waves you created traveled to the future and the past. Prophecies are just glimpses of your arrival here based on the ripples in the past. This world is protecting itself from you," the Goddess answered.

"So, I'm like a parasite in this world?"

"Yes and no. Who it is to say that you coming to this world was not fated? There might be a prophecy for you as the destroyer and another as the saviour. It's all a matter of perspective," the goddess replied vaguely.

"Why did you help me?"

"I wanted to give you the option to a peaceful life. Your memories, the ones I managed to restore, give you that option."

"Can you tell me about the God of Light?" asked Daniel in a try to get insight into the enemy.

"Do you know the story of creation?" asked the Goddess.

Daniel shook his head.

"In the beginning, there was the God of Creation. Nobody knows how he came to exist or how old he was since Time itself didn't exist."

"First, He created Light. And he gave part of his divine powers to it, birthing an entity that now is called the God of Light."

"Then, He created the universe: planets, stars, land, water, wind, everything you can see. Part of his divine power was split to give birth to countless gods of earth, wind, water, ..."

"Finally, He created creatures to live in his creation. He wanted to allow life to be created forever, so-"

"The Goddess of Life was birthed," Daniel concluded.

"Indeed, child," the warm voice added.

"What happened to the God of Creation?"

"Nobody knows. He vanished. Some say he imparted too much of his divine power, withered, and disappeared. Some say he moved on to his next creation and forgot about this one," the Goddess replied with sadness in her voice.

"How about the God of Death?" Daniel asked, realizing he was not mentioned.

"That... That is for another time, child. For now, you need to wake up," the Goddess answered as rumbling was heard in the vast empty space.

The sound of glass breaking was heard, and water started pouring from the sky and emerging from the ground. The space started filling up quickly.

"Wake up, child. WAKE UP!" a voice thundered as the Captain was submerged in the flooding water.

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