32. Champion?

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'Food here looks less shitty than the other village. And, we have nicer company,' Jon said.

"Why did you come?" Daniel asked Alis while he was finishing his breakfast.

Alis clenched her fists and replied,

"I need to know what you are planning to do! It concerns my life too!"

"Hmm. I'll talk to the High Priest. There might be a way to cancel this life debt of yours," Daniel replied calmly.

Alis watched the human as he was eating breakfast. She was conflicted. If she left the tribe with the human, her life would be tethered to him. She dreaded this -- losing all her friends, her way of life, her home. However, it was also the only chance she would ever get to step a foot outside the Endless Forest. To see the world. To learn new things. But to be in debt of this human...

He was a monster. She witnessed his strength firsthand when he annihilated the Lizard tribe ambush team. He was ruthless and emotionless. He didn't take any prisoners and relentlessly hunted down all the enemy Lizard warriors and took their heads without even flinching. And, he did it with a smile -- the one and only time he had shown emotion.

She heard that females entering a life debt would usually be used as maids or... But, the human hadn't shown any interest towards her as a female. She had several suitors in the tribe until now, and she was not inexperienced in that area. In all her life, she was used to getting glances from the males of the tribe. But the human ignored her. What would their relationship be if she left with him? What could she offer to this monster to keep him happy?

"Do you need something?" Daniel asked, noticing Alis staring at him.

"N-no. We should head off to the temple. You shouldn't be late," Alis stuttered.

Daniel nodded and got up. A young priest had come to escort them to the temple. The High Priest would meet them in the main altar room. This room was reserved only for the holiest ceremonies and rarely used. Daniel had a bad feeling. They permitted him to bring Alis with him to discuss her life debt.

"This way," the young priest opened the massive double doors, and Daniel with Alis entered the altar room. The doors closed behind them. In front of them, there was a vast space able to host more than a thousand people. There were dozens of pillars on both sides of the room, rising 20 meters to the ceiling. On the wall, murals depicted various species of animals giving birth and scenes from spring. At the end of the room, a colossal statue of the Goddess of Life stood 20 meters high. She was depicted as a Panther woman -- it was said the Goddess could take any form. At the altar's steps, there was a middle-aged man wearing a ceremonial gown. On his left and right stood ten warriors with full armor.

"That's the Head Priest, Oros. The ones next to him are the Goddess of Life Champions," Alis whispered to Daniel as they walked towards the altar.

On the side, several prominent village figures were present—the Chief, the Captain of the guards, merchants, and affluent people.

"Welcome, Human Daniel," the Head Priest talked first.

Alis immediately kneeled.

Daniel looked at the Champions. They were male and female warriors -- the strongest of the tribe. It was said that the Goddess blessed them, and they possessed special powers -- inhuman strength, extreme speed, impenetrable skin. He caught them looking down at him from the altar. Some with disdain, a few indifferent, and some with disgust.

"Greetings, Head Priest Oros. Thank you for your hospitality until now," Daniel slightly bowed his head.

"Great to have you here, Human. The Goddess of Life foretold your arrival. You are far from home and have overcome grave dangers to be here," the High Priest said.

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