( idek )

387 8 2

Here are some
scenarios i think
would definitively
happen if you
were friends
with them ;)


y/n: hakuna ma'vodka my ass, Petra. I'm not going to get drunk for the fourth time this week!

petra: *rolling her eyes*

petra: right, how about water for happy people

y/n: *throwing arms exasperated in the air*

y/n: *walking away*


petra: *giggling & running after y/n with grabby hands*

petra: don't run away, my partner in wine!


marcus: spit it out billy.

billy: *very thoughtful*

billy: what do think happens to a mom after she counts to three..

lex: *smoking a cigarette*

lex: she becomes a momster

y/n & petra: *falling to the floor, laughing*

maria: i want whatever those two losers took


billy: *dead serious*

billy: i'll tell you jail is no fun

y/n: *shocked*

y/n: you've been in jail?!

billy: once, in monopoly

lex: *quetions every choice he ever made*

lex: why are those idiots my friends


marcus: *sitting on the bed looking up from his comic*

marcus: i don't know what made me fall for you again

y/n: *playing twister alone, in the middle of losing*

y/n: my charms, perhaps?


Hold up i gotta watch mcc


y/n: *treating one of marcus' wounds from fighting with chico*

y/n: i think we deserve a soft epilogue, my love. we're good people and we've suffered enough


viktor: *flirting with y/n*

viktor: i didn't catch your name

marcus: *annoyed*

marcus: she didn't throw it


marcus: stop that

marcus: *leaning against wall*

y/n: *very confused*

y/n: stop what

marcus: that

y/n: what?

marcus: you're making me feel weird

y/n: *steps closer*

y/n: how so?

marcus: *tries to back up*

marcus: stop t h a t

y/n: *steps super duper close*

marcus: *looks down at y/n's squishy face*

y/n: *looks up at marcus' panicked face*

y/n: *frowns*

y/n: are you okay?

y/n: *touches his red cheeks*

y/n: you're really warm!

marcus: *eyes widen*

marcus: you're doing it more now!! you keep doing that thing!! stop it!!

y/n: *suddenly understands*

y/n: hmm

y/n: *smiles and hugs his waist*

marcus: *inhales*

marcus: *whisper screams*

marcus: oh my god


billy &petra: *looking at y/n and marcus fighting*

billy: they hate each other

petra: no they don't. not really


marcus: *coming back in the middle of the night*

y/n: is that blood?

marcus: no?

y/n: that's not a question you're supposed to answer with another question


marcus: *turns to y/n*

marcus: you're remarkably well behaved tonight

marcus: what did you do?


petra: please stop getting shot, it stresses me out

y/n: oh, well if YOU don't like it


billy: i just googled what chickens look like without feathers and i am severely uncomfortable


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