( burn in peace )

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defeated, marcus sat down next to you against the half collapsed wall.

sighing, you looked up at him sadly. "no way out?" he shook his head, then leaned it against the hard concrete wall behind him.


"marcus, are you sure they are here? it seems abandoned"

marcus walked infront of you. one hand holding a flashlight, the other intertwined in yours.

stumbling down the rotten woody stairs into the basement, panic arose in your chest.

you weren't exactly scared of the dark but something inside of you resisted from going further. ignoring your gut feeling, the boy kept pulling you forward.

coming to a halt, marcus pointed his flashlight around the dark hallway, "something's in the shadows"

tugging marcus' hand, you whined "please, let's just go back. i don't wanna be here. please, let's leave"

marcus shot you a concerned look, he never saw you acting like this before.

"y/n, i  know you're scared but we almost have them back"

he had this encouraging smile on his lips, but nothing and noone could convince you to stay in this dark place.

you pulled your hand out of his and raised your voice at him "no. Leave the past where it belongs. They've been missing for months. Months! they are not here. You either go with me or stay here, but i'm out!"

he was desperate, he didn't want to lose you, but he knew his friends were down here.

"y/n. no, wait. five more minutes, then we'll get out, okay?" marcus stretched out his hand and you took it after seconds of hesitation.

stepping forward, you noticed something sinking under your foot.

then a countdown.

3 seconds.

marcus turned around, fear and shock written all over his face. "y/-"

rapid beeping.

then an explosion.


"may we burn in peace, y/n."

your eyes widened, not at the fact that you were trapped in a collapsing, burning basement with no way out. But at the fact that he said peacefully.

this was in no way peaceful.

the two of you were lured in the basement of a gigantic building.

Someone set you up, wanted to kill you.

peaceful? no.

part of your right foot is trapped. no smashed under the ceiling that fell down on you. glass splinters are all over your skin. your hair is a mess and your face smeared in blood. your own blood.

marcus didn't look any better, yet he was able to move freely. he had bruises and gashes everywhere, but he insisted he was 'okay enough to look around'.

his eyes widened in realization, he crouched down infront of you and cupped your cheeks. "i know it hurts, love. Just keep breathing, alright?"

the aching pain in your ribcage shot in waves through your entire body, making it hard to take a deep breath.

you told marcus about your pain. he smiled sadly at you, stroking your cheek. "i know it hurts, but you have to stay with me. we'll get out and this nightmare ends."

you let out a sarcastic laugh, "get out? you missed this chance when you decided to keep looking," tears started pooling in your eyes.

the pain was too much. he was too much.

"i just want to go home." you whispered, scared your voice breaks if you speak louder.

you looked into his watery eyes, you knew he knew this was his fault.

but can you blame him for wating his friends back?

sobs left him, his body trembled. then he pressed you against his chest, apologizing between sobs. with your face burried in his hoodie you let the tears flow.

deep down the two of you knew - only one would survive.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2023 ⏰

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