chapter twenty one

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The grounds of Hogwarts were always more magical when snow kissed the grounds, crystals hung from trees and the stone over the bridge. There was something peculiarly beautiful about it, not many people spent too much time outside during that time of year. It was far too cold, many preferring the warmth that radiated inside the Hogwarts wall than anything else. Which left the school grounds facade, left with nothing but shivering trees and free blankets of snow.

Winnie often preferred to venture outside during those times, bundled up so tightly the chance of the cold tickling her skin was limited. Her hair fell in soft waves against the black of her fur coat, fresh from a shower she took early that morning, leaving the smell of strawberries to follow after her. She had a pair of light blue earmuffs covering her ears, it didn't match the harsh crimson of her Gryffindor scarf, usually she would steal Cordelia's scarf, the green matching with the blue much better. But considering her current situation, she dealt with the unmatched pieces that day.

Two nights had fallen over them since the last time she spoke to Cordelia, ever since then she had avoided her cousin as if she were Dragon Pox. Despite the fact it hurt her to do so, Winnie understood when she wasn't wanted, and avoidance was her cup of tea.

She shoved her chin under the warmth material of her scarf, allowing the fabric to come up and rest under her nose. Her fingers were wrapped in thin black gloves, while she wore thick shoes that fell just above her knees. They were dragon leather, one of the rare things that she was left with since she was disowned, she had found them under her bed that morning, she had nearly thanked Merlin rather loudly too.

She had opted out of breakfast that Saturday morning, instead she took the chance on roaming the grounds. The sun was shining, making the snow glimmer like a thousand stars. The blonde had placed a pair of muggle sunglasses on her face in order to preserve her eyes from the harsh rays, Hermione had let her borrow them once she found out where Winnie was going. They were all black and simple with rectangle frames, Winnie had invited her to come along, but the brunette had insisted she had to spend the day in the library. Winnie hadn't asked further after that.

The girl lifted a clothed hand, pushing up the frames on the crook of her nose as she walked outside towards the grounds. The snow crunching under the weight of her feet as she watched a blue bird fly through the air, so like the bright blue sky that sat void of fluffy clouds. Winnie couldn't say she enjoyed the winter much, she much preferred warmth and the sight of vibrant flowers blooming from the ground. Though even she couldn't deny the beauty of winter when the sun was full and the sky was void of snow storms.

It was one of the rare moments when Winnie's Bulstrode simply existed in time, where she pretended that she wasn't dealing with five hundred things on her shoulders. For the first time in over the past few days, she felt like she could breathe in nothing but fresh air, letting it explode in her lungs with crisp breaths. Being outside, where the air nipped at her nose, her mind swirled with only herself inside of it. Especially not the fact that Umbridge had posted another degree that morning, Winnie suspected soon they would have a full wall of plaques lining the Great Hall.

She had endured detention after detention with the women, though she wasn't as vocally rude or asking for a death wish as she was when they originally returned from break. Which Winnie suspected was a relief on Harry, who had seemed tense and rigid every time she entered the tiny pink room. Though Winnie had a funny inkling it was due to the fact her and Cordelia had practically spared off in a deathmatch in front of him. The brunette hadn't gotten angry at him for being with her, though she suspected he was waiting for her to, anytime she walked by him or showed up where he was, his eyes widened and he became incredibly awkward.

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