chapter twenty two

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             Her tie rested rather messily against the surface of her neck, red and gold tied loosely and pulled apart by an action she had done while leaving her last class that day. She pulled half of her curled waves back with a silk, black ribbon that morning, charming it to stay in and glossed with the rest of her hair. Winnie Buldstrode had woken up with a plan that morning, after spending all of Sunday moping around in the back of the library, glaring at anyone who even glanced at her with whispered words about her formal disownment.

It was to be noted that she had barely slept, instead spent most of her night staring a leather cladded book with a certain level of pressure resting upon her chest. She had promised Theo she would open his mothers journal, but anytime her fingers twitched over the material she was left feeling like she was intruding rather than helping herself.

Yet, despite the lack of sleep she had still found herself staring at her freshly washed hair, her body wrapped in a white fluffy towel as steam coursed through the air, fogging the mirrors of the bathroom. She had decided then and there that she would stop moping around like a sad little puppy and actually do something.

It was half the reason she had styled her hair to be glossy and perfectly soft, using magic to make sure it didn't fizz throughout the day. She had also pulled out her forgotten blush compact and applied some to her usual pale cheeks, making her face glow with a certain look of life that she was missing. Winnie Buldstrode felt a little lighter as she practiced smiling in the mirror, her cheeks stinging with each way she twisted her glossed lips, trying to find the perfect, convincing smile.

She had left her common room with Lavender and Parvati, smiling at them both which caused the two to look at her as if she had blisters all over face. Though she brushed it off, and kept her face pulled into a fond smile, the one she perfected in the fogged smile moments before. She had fallen into a fairly practiced routine as the day grew on.

Smile. Laugh when someone says something idly funny. Wish people a good day as they pass by her, even help a first year if they need it.

There was a mild nudging in her mind that whispered to her, telling her she looked and sounded irly like all those pureblood girls she tried so hard not to be like. But Winnie was so quick to brush that off as awhile, she had realized that her life of showing just how pissed off she was, wasn't working. So her new mask would just have to do, no matter how many cracks or how false it could be.

Harry had asked her if she was okay in Transfiguration, which she replied with a twisted smile and a soft airy tone to her voice that could resemble something Luna Lovegood. She pretended not to notice the way the ebony haired boy shared a glance with a certain brunet slytherin, nor did she notice the way both Harry and Theo had been late to their Defence class.

Winnie Buldstrode was turning a new leaf, she told herself. Though the way her nails dug painfully into the palms of her hands multiple times during the day, I could say otherwise.

Winnie's cheeks burned from the constant tilting upwards of her lips, she was making her way towards the library, feet clicking against the floors as her robes bellowed out behind her. A gust of air swirled from her lips as she blew away a strand of light blonde hair that twisted in front of her face. It was the same time that a voice called out her name from some ways down the corridor behind her, the girl turned, feet freezing from the sound of her name on the same voice that inhabited her mind.

Theodore Nott was running towards her, one hand on the small leather bag he kept all his books on. His hair flopped like big puppy ears, touching his forehead and whisking around his skin. She eyed him closely, her head tilting upwards to look at his face as he came to a stop in front of her. A small smile floating onto his face, as her hazel eyes traced his features.

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