chapter twenty nine

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         A chocolate easter egg sat in her hands as she stared at words of a History of Magic book that rested on her lap. It was nearly five o'clock on a Saturday evening, granted it was a Saturday she had spent mostly with her nose buried away in a book and cramping study after study in her head. With the looming doom of exams hanging over her head, Winnie realized just how much she was falling behind on studies with everything else happening in her life, she could already hear Hermione's lectures in the near future.

She sighed, slamming the book shut as she threw it down on the couch beside her, her hand reaching up to break apart the chocolate in her hands, and popping it in her mouth.

Easter had come and gone with little to no excitement, at least all besides Apollo who swarmed into her window early in the morning with a letter and a chocolate bar from Honeydukes tied to his leg from both Sirius and Remus. She had smiled and written back a thank you note in rather messy writing due to her lack of sleep, it wasn't until she had laid back down in bed when she remembered she had forgotten to tell them she'd be accepting Sirius' offer.

It seemed rather foolish to not accept it, though, the biggest push she had needed was Cordelia telling her to take it. The brumette was the only family she had truly left, her approval and understanding meant everything to her. ( Winnie had made a mental note to remind herself to write Sirius a letter before O.W.L's snuck up on her, but anytime she went to do so, she was distracted by school or something else. )

"What time is it?" Harry questioned suddenly from his space on the floor. His head leaned back against her knees that was covered with a throw blanket. Glasses smudged up against his forehead as she grinned, leaning her hand down to fix his crooked glasses softly before she sighed. Looking towards the clock that sat above the furnace, her eyes narrowed, reading the black numbers.

"It's four fifty, why?" She questioned, but as soon as the words left her lips, the boy popped up like a jack in the box. Eyes wide and hair sprouting up every which way, alarmed, her own legs swung out from underneath her blanket, feet planting against the ground and pushing herself up. "What in Godric's name is the matter?" She asked quickly, as the boy started towards the staircase. She quickly followed in step with him, feet kicking against the stairs as she disappeared into his room. Just as she raised her hand to push open the door, he returned to it. Knocking his head with hers as she groaned, placing her hand against her forehead and spotting his invisibility cloak in his hands.

"I'm going to speak to Sirius," Harry whispered urgently, before slipping past her and heading down the steps. Blinking, she ignored the pain in her head as she turned and followed after him. This would solve her whole problem of always forgetting to write him a letter if she could just go with Harry!

'Wait! Harry, wait!" She called, running after him as her hand went out to catch his wrist just as he made it to the portrait hole.

"I don't have time for this Winnie, what is it?" He snapped, irriaration radiating off him like fumes as she narrowed her eyes. It was the urgency in the situation that made her understand his tone, the reason behind her biting her tongue rather than snapping back at him.

"Can I speak to him as well? If you don't mind, I'd rather like to tell him about my-" the boy huffed, rolling his eyes before allowing a nod to trickle through his neck.

"Well, come on then. We gotta be quick about it," he inclined his head towards the door before he slipped out of it. Not taking any chances of being left behind, Winnie's feet quickly carried after him. Dirt filled converse smacking against the floor as she scurried into step with the ebony haired boy, there were tiny sounds of shouts and what distinctively sounded like sparks of fireworks in the distance. Her eyebrows furrowed deeper as they approached the familiar classroom that was held with Umbridge's office. Her foot went to take a step closer, throwing a group of students that were scurrying out of the room when Harry's hand snuck out around her wrist.

Wolves Without Teeth  ── theodore nott ¹ ( UNDER EDITING )Where stories live. Discover now