Part 2

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Mayas POV
When we arrive, Anna is took to the burn unit while i'm sat down on a bed with a doctor examining me.
"Okay look, i'm fine. Can i just go see Anna i said i will stay with her."
"Uh yea you can. When i'm finished which would of been awhile ago if you sat still"
"Sorry. I'm just worried about her. I mean what kind of parents leave their child in a burning building. I don't get it"
"Yea i understand. Okay you need to stay on the oxygen for a bit longer then your good to go."
"Can i see Anna?"
"Yea but cause she is in the burn unit you will have to wash your hands and cover practically everything on your body"
"Okay thanks Grey" I stand up and walk over to the burn unit. I've been here way to many times to not know where i'm going. As i reach the door i hear Andrew shout for me.
"Yea Andrew what's up?"
"Well i was wondering if you wanted to invite some people over tomorrow. My sister is in town so i think it would be great for her to get to know some people. Also i haven't seen Station 19 in forever."
"Okay sounds good too me. I'll ask when i go back to the Station later."
"Cool. Just tell them to be there around 7pm tomorrow"
"Okay. I'll see you at home"
I washed my hands and put all of the necessary equipment on before heading in.
"Hi honey"
"Maya. Are my parents here yet?"
"Not that i know off but doctor Karev did contact them. There on there way."
"Okay. Can you stay with me until there here?"
"Of course"
About 30 minutes later her parents arrive and they are so glad to see her.
"Thank you Captain for saving our little girl"
"Of course. It's my job after all"
I go to leave when Anna speaks up.
"Promise you'll come visit?"
"I promise. I'll be back soon okay"
I open the door and leave the hospital and head back to the station.
"Captain your back"
"Yea sorry i took longer than expected"
"It's fine. Are you okay?"
"Yea i'm fine"
"What you did was really stupid Maya. Brave, but stupid"
"She was 8 Andy. 8. I wasn't about to let her be in even more pain than she already was"
We continued the shift with little calls. I was thankful for the shift to be over quickly. I was so tired.
"Oh everyone before we go Andrew wanted me to invite you round ours tomorrow"
After a bit of convincing of a lot of booze they all agreed.
"Okay just be at ours at about 7 tomorrow. You don't need to bring anything but yourself and booze if your picky"
I finished the last few pieces of paperwork and headed home.
"Andrew you home?" I shout as i shut the door.
"Hi, your home early your not normally here for another hour"
"Yea well there was nothing major and most people were changing shifts so they sent me home anyway"
"Oh well that's great. How was your day"
We continued having small conversations till about an hour later.
"Okay i would love to stay and chat but i am about to fall asleep so imma head up. Also everyone from the station agreed to come"
"That's great, i'll go out and get some stuff after work. Night Maya"
"Goodnight" I head upstairs and plop on my bed falling asleep not even 5 minutes later.

"Maya i swear to god if you don't wake up im coming in with pans"
I roll over and check the clock. 8:30. Shit i had to be in the station in 30 minutes.
"Why didn't you wake me up earlier?"
"I thought you were awake"
I hear before running to the bathroom having the quickest shower and pulling my work clothes on. I brushed my hair through and pulled it into a bun so that it didn't drip down my back. I didn't even bother putting makeup on before i ran out of the door and into the car. I made it to work just in time where everyone was having breakfast in the kitchen.
"Morning captain. Your a bit late late aren't you?"
"Yea well Andrew didn't wake me up till 8:30 so i had to rush. I look a mess. Anyway what's for breakfast?"

Carinas POV
Today was my first day at work. I managed to unpack most of the rooms before going to sleep. I had to be at the hospital at around 8:30. My alarm went off at 7:00 so i had plenty of time to get ready. I showered, got dressed into just some loose clothes because i will be changing into scrubs when i arrive at the hospital. I ate some breakfast and as i was loading the dishwasher i hear a knock on the door.
"Andrea? What are you doing here?"
"I came to bring you too work"
"How do you know where i live"
"I asked Bailey."
"Ah i see. She probably shouldn't be giving address out like that but since your my brother i'll let it slide. Well come in i just need to feed Jeff then we can leave"
"I still don't understand why you called your dog Jeff"
"Why not. And either take your shoes off or stay there. You are not walking on the carpet with your shoes on"
"Sorry, i'll just wait here just hurry up."
About 2 minutes later and after saying bye to Jeff, we head out for work.
For the morning it wasn't that busy of a day. I have about 2 woman in labour and they gave birth pretty quickly to beautiful little girls. I grabbed my lunch out of my cubby before heading to the cafeteria and towards Andrew.
"Am i okay to sit?"
"Yea of course. You remember everyone yes?"
"Sí. Nice to see you all again"
"You too. How has your day been today?" Asked Lexie. I like Lexie.I can see me and her being really good friends. She's such a genuinely nice person. You don't see that often.
"Pretty easy actually. 2 women have came and gone with healthy baby girls" I say with a smile.
"Well that's great. At least your having a easy first day"
We finish lunch before i get a page saying a woman is in labour. I threw my tub in my cubby before heading back up to help some more ladies. The rest of the day went on with little complications thankfully. Overall the rest my day was great. It was around 6:30 when i got home so i put on some jeans and a loose blouse so it was nothing too fancy but okay enough to make a good first impression on everyone. I was quite nervous. I mean these people are a big part of Andrew life i want to get along with all of them. I head out stopping at the store to pick up some wine then heading to Andrews. As i knock, Andrew opens the door.
"Carina, late as always. Practically everyone is already here so follow me to the living room."
I follow behind him and see a-lot of people sitting or standing around.
"Sorry there was traffic. Non mi rendevo conto che avevi cosí tanti amici" (i didn't realise you have so many friends).
"HaHa very funny. Come i want to introduce you to my roommate."
He walks me towards a blonde who has her back turned. I could swear i've seen her before i just can't pinpoint it.
"Maya. I want you too meet my sister"
She turns and i instantly recognise her. She's the blonde from the coffee shop.

Mayas POV
Nothing interesting happened at the station today. There was a few minor fires so overall it was an average day. I got off at about 6pm and headed home to start getting ready. I tided the place up a bit before getting dressed. I shot on my green dress with polka dots and let down my hair brushing it out. Andrew came back not long later with his friends piling in after him.
"Well hello did you invite the whole hospital?"
"Oh come on. I'm just popular and have a lot of friends"
"Yea in your dreams. They probably only came for the free booze"
"She has a point Deluca" Alex says walking inn to the kitchen to put his beers on the counter.
"What time is the station coming?"
"Well it's 6:55 so any minute now"
We all gathered in the living room and started having small conversations when there was a knock on the door.
"Ive got it" I jump up and go answer the door and see the station stood there.
"Wow you all came together? What did you have a before party before hand"
"Hmm maybe" Vic says before they walk in and greet everyone else in the room. I walk over the Andy who is talking to Cristina and Meredith. About 10 minutes later i hear Andrew open the door. I can't hear anything but mumbles so i'm guessing he invited more people. I don't think he understands the concept of 'a few friends'
"Maya. I want you too meet my sister"
I turn around and i see her. The brunette from the coffee shop.

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